She was already in to you!


“I think game is mostly about getting the lay with girls who are at some level with it to begin with. You’re learning to successfully accommodate what in some sense they already want to do. You might call it the “art of plausible deniability.”


And this is where I think a lot of the confusion about game comes in.

If you detect a chick is digging you – the play is to make her invest, and when she invests – you up the ante.

I think a lot of guys, even ones that have been in the game a bit, aren’t really into conversion.

Here’s how they run their game

  • Ping the target.
  • Hit the gas on the green light

If the target is neutral, slightly reluctant, or out and out negative – a lot of guys don’t invest anytime into the situation.   To be honest “Ping and Bang” is one of the defaults of Black Guy Game.  It is primarily about efficiency, and with the idea that  you’re attractive enough, it’s just a matter of hitting on more chicks with more confidence.

It’s a fine strategy – if the venue is packed – and there are enough cute girls so that you don’t have to discriminate.

Not a good strategy for times when

  • Slim pickings
  • When you want to have choice

I think you guys know that.  And if you don’t know, now you know.


With the basics out of the way – let’s put down the practical and pick up the theory.

Game is conversion.  It’s doing and saying things that operate on her psychology.  I say it damn near every post, but i’m hammering a message.

Now the $64,000 question is whether she likes you and lets you keep spitting at her.

Or is your “game” the thing that’s working?

Let’s be even more explicit.

You see a chick with her 2 girlfriends.  Like the textbook, you open the GROUP with something.

“Yeah, the President is sure acting crazy.  I wonder if he’s gonna make it through the term…”

The chick you like doesn’t give a damn about politics.  She’s not particularly into the conversation even if her friends are.

So let’s establish the fact that at this moment in time – the target does not like you.  This is a very common occurrence.

Now if you keep rapping to the 2 that do like chatting you up, and you keep throwing some bait out, doing some conversational tricks – and the target then gets off her phone, listens, and starts to participate ….

That means your game worked.  Period. End of story.

Now just having a chick in a conversation is not enough – but she could easily ignore you, stay on her phone, walk away, get her girlfriends to walk away with her, tell you to leave.

If she’s  nonchalant from jump, but you keep on rapping, and she starts to interact – GAME ON.



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