Basic Socialization Skills can be Improved

And that will help your game

Tone, depth, pace, diction, enunciation, pronunciation, projection, volume. All that can be learned.

Improv, story telling, comedy, emoting, can be learned as well.

Those skills will have dividends outside of game.

If you really see the point of this, some grappling MMA stuff would be very useful in the bed room. Not that you need to arm bar these broads. But the right knowledge of how to sweep her into bed, like a controlled fall, and you can really start speaking a girl’s language.

Part of why I don’t see much pick-up progress is that you can do quite well for yourself with 2% of the available knowledge and consistently going out.

In essence gentlemen and scoundrels, the bar is low because of overall social programming.


2 thoughts on “Basic Socialization Skills can be Improved”

    1. Great Question Tom,

      Apologies for the late replies. Comcast has been railing me for the past 10 days with their non-service service.

      I’ll probably do a full post on this later, but there are some baseline skills

      – volume
      – projection

      ^You can get these from working a job that requires you to talk to a lot of people, or taking a public speaking class, or acting class.

      Acting classes – These classes teach the above, but also how to emote, but not “ham” it up. I don’t want to go down the road to suggest that game is acting – but often times since we are unfamiliar with dealing with our own emotions, we’ll basically say X but because of the tone, body language, and other non-verbal stuff – the verbal is misinterpreted. Acting, etc helps you basically clarify what you’re saying and broadcasting to the woman.

      Story Telling/Joke Telling/Comedy Classes – Without a doubt, I’m definitely a guy that leans more towards a very verbal game. I love the tech, routines, gambits, tactics, etc. But when you’re moving away from that stuff, you need a way to make your own life stories more “punchy”. And taking classes that help you identify a structure that many other people can relate to – will add a lot more oomph to anything you want to say. What to stress, where to pause…what builds drama…

      An additional bonus to comedy is you might learn how to deal with Heckler’s. This is important for cockblocks, fat girls, amogs, and male orbiters. If you’re going to hold court with a group, you’ve got to be able to bang the gavel and call someone out of order.

      Improvisation – Taking a class like this will help you “go with it” when the conversation starts to go off the track you want.

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