Do You Need Game

There are 5 books I want to write
– a beginner’s game
– basic game expanded
– intermediate game – after you’ve internalized the structure, and you want to expand
– problems and scenarios
– the book I want to read myself – advanced game.

I want anyone that reads what I write to develop their “Mind for The Game”.

Trying to put what is in my brain into the reader’s brain.

It’s tough.

But I think a lot of cats that read what I write, just want to fuck bitches.

There are MUCH easier paths to pussy than what I write about.

Eat Right, Lift, Dress Well,Go Out, Be Social -> These 5 things alone will get guys more pussy than they can handle.

Truthbetold #’s 4 & 5 is all dudes really need.  1-3 just makes 4 & 5 easier.
Furthemore, I’d never want to be known as “looks denialist” – 1-3 can open up a diff class of female altogether – because you end up going to diff places.
For example –  if you’re ripped, you can start hitting those pool parties and spring break shit, and not feel self conscious
around all the other creatine junkies.  And that leads to you feeling good about yourself, not being one of them skinny fat “losers”.  So you’re emboldened to holla at anything in a bikini.  Indeed, you might level up in that sort of Jersey Shore/Lake Havasu/South Padre Island/Ft. Lauderdale environs.  And when chicks are on vacation, they give themselves permission to act on those crazy desires that have to keep in check at home. That same demographic of girl you might not fuck at home, but on Spring Break?

So let’s break down the 5 in order of importance for conventional socially approved “this is how you attract females” rules

Eat Right

This can take a lot of dimensions, but I personally advocated the ketogenic diet.  It’s less than 20 grams of net carbs per day.  (My meals look like a 12 oz ribeye + spinach, or 10 oz of Salmon sauteed in a cast iron pan and then put into a hot oven to finish with greens)

If you’re fat, this will take the weight off.  If you’re lean, this will reveal the six pack abs.  If you’re already jacked – this is basically eating clean.  You can cycle carbs on work out days – but I’m literally the wrong person to talk to when it comes to getting jacked.

Get Fit

This should be self-explanatory – but anyone who says something is self-explanatory usually can not break it down.  The visual and the functional

So getting fit in the context of game is getting rid of the gut, losing some of the fat around the jowls to reveal your natural square jaw.  Defined muscle is nice.  6 pack is over kill, given how much fat you need to lose and the dietary constraints.  A flat stomach, defined arms, defined legs.    If a chick reacts when you take your shirt off, or she feels your bicep when it’s exposed – that’s all that’s necessary.

No need to go all Jay Cutler to pull bitches.  None whatsoever.  Your basic working athlete is about as far as you need to go.

The second aspect is the functional.  Way back in the day I asked forum members about a “performance” related work out.  None was forthcoming.   So I had to start figuring out that myself.  Love to hear you fit guys speak on it.   When it comes to handling your business, there’s 3 basic positions, Missionary, Cowgirl, and Doggy.  Everything else, I leave to Justin Slayer.   Never managed to do the piledrive, the carry, any of them jujitsu moves, side saddle successfully.  Believe me, once you get your skillset together –

    1. Missionary is push ups, hindu push ups, and planks + hip drive.

    1. Doggy is essentially lat pull downs (back and shoulders) + hip drive.   It wouldn’t hurt to do the horse stance as well.

  1. Cowgirl is the abs work out from hell plus hip drive.  Glute Bridge is probably the best one here. And if you’re one of them broughams that doesn’t shy away from the “Thick” this can actually be some

Also I know guys hate steady state cardio (I don’t mind riding a bike for hours, or 50 minutes on the elliptical) – but let’s say you realize that you’re on the last legs of a relationship.  You’re thinking that this is going to be the last bang ever – you want to be able to handle your b.i. for a couple hours straight.   REVENGE. Hammer it long and hard.  Send her off to the guy she has waiting in the wings sore.

So this is one of those things where you need not just the power of high intensity interval training (HIIT) but the endurance of low intensity steady state cardio (LISS).  I honestly don’t have any idea of how to do that sort of training, but I remember it being touched on in Convict Training.

Dress Well

This is a huge topic, and I’ve personally never seen it done well by guys in the Game or by fashion guys.   I’ll probably try and do a lot more of this on the blog, as my situation has changed and I actually have a shit ton more time to write.

Guys come at the style game with 3 things in mind.

  • Wear Suits
  • Wear Designer
  • Wear the best stuff a man can afford.

I wear suits for work (or at least I did for 7 years.  Nowadays, I’m shamefully wearing slacks and a dress shirt).  The suit effect is real – but guys that don’t wear suits – think that suits will affect the lady.  They neglect the effect that the suit has on the man wearing it.   That’s the real killer app – wearing things that make you feel powerful.  Women wear lingerie to feel sexy, an intern can put on a suit that fits, look in the mirror, and feel like a boss.  The suit itself can actually make a man change his posture.   Just looking up more, looking people in the eye – THAT ALONE – will make you realize how many chicks are digging you.

But I can tell you, that suits @ the happy hour – makes you fit into the crowd.  Now you will have to play the “business card” game.  In a place like NYC, DC, London – there’s always somebody in the room that makes at least 10x as much as you, and is wearing something more expensive.  Although these 5 steps are about NOT USING

GAME – a smidge of game on the mental level helps here.  Don’t try to go head to head with a guy that just stepped out of a men’s wear ad.

The dude on the left is not killing it.  The guy on the right is.  To go from left to right probably wouldn’t cost that much – but you need the EYE to understand what’s wrong with the guy on the left, and what’s right with the guy on the right.  (Also for you guys that work out –  the guy on the right might not be the biggest dude in the world –  but getting a fitted suit and you’ve got shoulders and biceps is a good way to look like you mean business)

Here’s how I handle it.

That guy is not competing with me, but I’m not competing with him.  If a chick wants a 20 dollar Cosmo, I let Daddy Warbucks get her drunk.   Then I come at them both and big the guy up for being a gentleman, and asking him how much he works.

We’ll discuss more of this as time goes on.

Go Out More

There were times that I went out 7 nights a week for months on end.  Learned a ton of game, lots of notches, and then I met one of the loves of my life.   3 years of domestic bliss, and then back on the dating scene.  I couldn’t return to that 7 nights a week because I had actual professional responsibilities.  80-100 hour weeks is a bigger cockblock than being short, trust me.   I did develop some of my workplace game – another topic for another time – but messing with chicks that you work in the same building with (Jah forbid you actually work with them in the same company) – that’s no substitute for “free world females”.

So you have to figure out when you can go out , and have that minimize the damage to the rest of your life.  If you’re just starting out in the game, DO SOME DAMAGE.  But after the first 10-20 notches, you can ease back.

This is what normal guys with no game do.  They go out a fair amount.  Even if it’s to watch the game, they go to a sports bar.  Putting yourself in a social environment is key.

Be Social

Most guys have no intellectual problems with 1-4.  #5 is being social.  And that’s when dudes clam up.   They get in shape, look good, and attend the local free salsa lessons – but they don’t talk to girls.  Being in the same place, but not being able to talk at all is the biggest hurdle in the game.    But part of the issue is that they’re putting too much emphasis on meeting a girl and bedding her that night.

Take the pressure off, and talk to the guys, staff, the not-to-your liking girls, and the girls you like a lot.

Hey, how ya doing

Nothing even as elaborate as this.

Tell a story.  Have them tell a story.   That’ s it.

Just doing these 5 things regularly, and a guy becomes naturally attractive to chicks, and his cold approaches
will open much better.

But there’s a problem with this right?


5 thoughts on “Do You Need Game”

  1. Thanks for this. Was waitin’ for the next post after the turn of the year then you hit us with two o’ em!

    Keep going brotha.

  2. Hey WIA. I just wanted to say thanks for all of your contributions.

    I stumbled upon your a post of yours on RVF where you said it takes 90 days of going out to make progress, and it inspired me to make it my goal. I’m only 15 days in, but I feel like I’ve already made a ton of progress.

    Whenever you release the first book, you’ll have me a customer.

  3. Hey Archie, Love your stuff. You helped me discover the hidden “old school” pua artist stuff (that’s basically shunned at rsv, and even rcm) Its funny how little GAME is discussed on most “game” sites.

    Anyways, I’ve been following you on the black mans thread (even though I’m white as sh#t) and since I’ve had an understanding of game and attraction it’s funny to me when people come in and say SMV is the only thing that matters. Although I completely understand it because to THEM they get laid purely based on there SMV (as do 99% of people) but it sucks that’s what “game” is now a days.

    I had a little chuckle when someone posted they went to a club and it was all 6ft+ 200lb+ men, its like yeah let’s see how well your SMV holds up there. Even if you fit that criteria; it only means you start at zero and you’re playing a “numbers game”

    Ain’t no hottie coming up to you spitting “Hey big boy, I know there are 50 other jacked tall handsome men here but the way you lean against the bar with your drink perfectly positioned up to your chest turns me on so much! I want you! Wait, is that a MATCHING POCKET SQUARE?!? FUCK ME IN THE BATHROOM RIGHT NOW!”

    I wanted to post this on the forum but I don’t even want to waste the time battling with game denialists so I figured I’d post it here for the readers because I’m sure Archie has already read this book.

    Anyone that hasn’t read “influence the psychology of persuasion” should definitely read it. (you can find a free pdf on line)

    In the book they talk about a study on turkeys and they found that if a chicklet doesn’t make a certain “chirp” noise the mother turkey will kill it. Yes, they would kill their OWN children because they didn’t “make the right noise”.

    Then they looked at a natural predator of the turkey, a polecat. If a polecat gets anywhere near the turkey’s chicks the turkey will viciously attack it.

    So they did an experiment where they had a fake polecat on a stick and sure enough once they go close to the turkey the turkey would attack. Here’s where it gets interested. They put a tape recorder inside the polecat that played the exact “chirp” sound the baby chicks make. What did the turkey do? Absolutely nothing. It let the polecat come right up to the turkey and the turkey started taking care of it as its own. UNTIL, they turned the sound off. And instantly the turkey starts attacking the polecat.

    How does that apply to game? Even if you LOOK like what a chick THINKS an attractive alpha male should look like all she will do is let you get close (talk to her). Now if you start saying UNATTRACTIVE (supplicating, neediness, etc) things she will instantly turn on you the same way a turkey will turn on its own chicks.

    Say you don’t fit the physical attraction “standard” (aka you look like a polecat) if you SAY THE RIGHT THINGS (speak to her reptilian brain) she will see you as an attractive sex worthy alpha male as long as you don’t STOP speaking to her reptilian brain.

  4. The problem is that JUST telling stories isn’t enough to get a woman to try to validate herself to you.

    I don’t know what exactly it takes. I think that’s where seduction — or game, or conversion, whatever you want to call it — becomes more of an art than a set of steps.

    I used to look for the Seven Immutable Laws of Game…now I’m just curious about what makes people tick.

    Keep the info coming, WIA

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