Double Bind

Q. Do your parents know that you’re a Vegan?

A. No… wait yes…wait I’m not a Vegan…

The Double Bind, something that lots of debate people to trap people into statements.   Now if you’re debating, it’s a dirty trick. But if you’re flirting, its fun for the girl.

Rather than bore a chick with your bragging or humble bragging, invite her to play using a double bind.

How to set it up

1) Come in with the opener,
2) She doesn’t hear you
3) You turn the topic of conversation away from what you had in mind, and on to her in playful manner
– it’s an accusation that she has to defend herself against
– it’s a cold read
– it’s a tease
– it’s a flirt


And not in an intellectual way.  She probably has enough boring conversations at the job.   So focus on flirting and having fun.  Giving her something to play with.  That’s what I go for, and what I think you should go for.   Plus this is something you can do during night game, day game, online game, and social circle game.   It’s sexy without touching on sex.

4) She’s going to keep playing this game where she’s the center of the discussion.

And that’s where you want it to be

But Archie, I just reached the top of Mt. Everest

She doesn’t care.  She doesn’t care about that stuff, because she doesn’t care about you.  You know what she cares about? HER

Chances are that whatever you were going to say initially isn’t going to give you this sort of reaction that flirting will, and a double bind is a good little conversational piece to keep in your back pocket.

Remember, often times you need to go off of your “script” – and focus on the here and now of the conversation.

That means the conversation should focus on
– her
– you and her

You want the girl to be mentally engaged and talking to you – so even if you had this killer story or joke planned, there’s no real point in going back to what you were saying until you get her interested in you.

All that cool bragging stuff that you want to lead with, You need to let that go.

But now that she is chatting – you have to move the ball forward.

So you throw a double bind at her, and now she’s playing with you.

This is where you’re now playing the game.


One thought on “Double Bind”

  1. If girls are taking pics in da club, I’ll say to the one taking pictures:

    “Your parents must loooove that you’re a photography major…” with a smirk.

    Usually gets a good response from the photo taker, and then her friends will come over because “How dare you ruin our photo!”

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