I don’t like big guys


I am not a big muscular dude. Genetics wise, that’s probably not in the cards. And desire wise, I’ll be happy with doing a fuck ton of pull ups.

Uncle Archie does care about my Lou Ferrigno players.

Q. Archie, all I get is fat girls and ugly girls wanting to feel my biceps.

And the cute skinny girls say I’m too big.

A. There’s a whole lot going on in the average chick’s mind.  I’m not a mind reader, neither should you be.

But for those of us who’ve been in the mix..

1) Fat girls give no fucks. Until you want them to fuck you…

On the one hand, her taking a selfie with The Mountain pretending to be a man gives her validation and a hint of sexuality.  But if you stoop down to her level – she’ll be able to reject you, which is more delicious than any sweet love that might happen later.

2) Shouldn’t the skinny chicks be all up on me?  What’s all the hate?

You’re being disqualified on appearance. She’s judging you before you have a chance to plead your case.

Prejudging aka prejudice

Some of you guys weren’t expecting that.  But that’s what it is, and now that you realize that you’ve been on the wrong side of it before, don’t do it. Be on the lookout for it.

Chicks that are disqualifying you on appearance are saying that they expect a brute when they see you, and 

– some chicks want that
– others are afraid
– others will think you’re a dumb jock/low class/can’t bring you around her social circle (it’s ridiculous, because the smaller frat boy type is far more obnoxious, predictably so)

These broads aren’t going to change. “It’s my preference..”

As Young Dro would say, FDB.

And now that we’ve ranted, what’s the solution?

Subvert expectations.

But you don’t actually know what her objection is. If you knew she thought that muscles were low class, then you’d counter that with high class impressions. Like being fashionable.

If you thought that she was afraid of your size, and that you might get angry, you would play that off being upbeat, happy, and funny.

But you can’t read her mind. (Even if you could, their minds change so quickly, you’d be in constant reaction)

And as we have not previously discussed, you can’t reason your way into romance.

You change her mind by changing her mood, by going for the emotional jugular.

Like all game, the play is always personality, more so than appearance. Humor, intelligence, insight… The exact thing us “small” guys use.

– get her attention

– chit chat

– player says

“I know when you see a guy like me…”

This acknowledges what she might be thinking – but frame wise even if she wasn’t thinking anything – she is now.

“There’s only one question you have on your mind.”

– cold read light. Builds intrigue

“Do i have a Roth IRA or a traditional IRA….”

– the release

It has a nice logical ending in that the build-up goes left from expectations like all good jokes – but from a game pov, we’ve now gotten some emotional churn.

And keep doing that…


One thought on “I don’t like big guys”

  1. I’m a big man and I hardly get that all though I do see fat lizards trying to make their play. Perhaps I am not aware that I am being phased out on body and I just chalk up to chinks in my game armour…

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