
Question from the Cheap Seats

You’ve got a girl hooked Where do you take it from there? How do you isolate?

The girls I’ve pulled at the club have been extremely nonverbal interactions. A Hi, grab her hand, and go. But how do you do it when she wants to talk?

1st things first, I hate terms like “isolation”.  Think about it as getting some privacy.

Let’s start with the preamble.

All the game I give you guys is maybe 70% textbook and 30% WIA.

I like to talk to chicks, I like reading. I like art, literature, music and good food. So much so that ideas from those realms infiltrate everything that I do.

When I’m at work typing up TPS reports, there’s a bit of hip hop in it, there’s some ox tail and rice and peas when I do my laundry.

The basic outline of every pick up is
– See the girl
– Get her attention
– Start the conversation
– Dazzle her (this could be non-verbal as well. Like you’re dancing in one area, you make eye contact, dance over, get her to fall in your rhythm and change up…and keep changing up to see if she can follow. Then you can do start some of the dance floor role play..)

– She’s into it what you’re saying at first, and then
– She’s in to you, and starts to seek your approval/starts to seek rapport.

I run indirect primarily.  And just going by the model

I make her double down on seeking my approval, and then I give it grudgingly. This is not nefarious, but an acknowledging that a chick really doesn’t dig you, unless you make her work for it.  If the game is too easy, you get bored.

Think of it this way. From the very beginning you want her to be winning you over. You have to really believe that it’s not enough for her to have a nice face, a nice body, and good style.  With experience, you realize that those things just get your curiosity, but not your full attention.

Think to yourself,

“I’m Apple. I made a big product announcement. And now I’m selling the iPhone 7, she’s standing in line and trying to cut.”

So in a set, she might be bragging on herself to which you respond

“yeah, yeah, yeah, you talk a good game, but …I don’t believe you can tie a cherry stem into a knot.
Prove it…and I’m not buying the drink, I know how crafty you girls are. In fact, get me a rum and coke WITH a cherry!”

*make her invest*

That’s the psychological basis for the front end of the game (attraction, trust, connection)

This can happen on a loud dance floor with dancing, or at a loud bar.  It can happen in the line at Chipotle. Wherever you start an interaction, this can happen.

Now that she’s begging to hear more from you, what next?

Get her logistics before you make a move.

What is her situation?

“Oh you came with a big mixed group.”

I think – Ahh, so there might be a male or a female friend in that group. So she can’t just leave with me.

And even if she could just leave with me, I want to build up trust with her offensively, but also screen her – cause I’m not 25 anymore and I can’t fuck Double D’s regardless of the consequences.  She might seem prim and proper, but you chat up the friends that she’s with, and you realize that she might just memorize where you live and come roll you later.

Gauge how independent she is.

You want to know from her what sort of problems you might run into with her friends.  And remember, that beautiful women are rarely alone.

“You don’t strike me as the adventurous type….oh you are…

No I think you’re the type that has to check in with your friends…like you go to the little girl’s room with your bestie…

What do you do in there anyway…You know at my job the lady’s room has carpet..first time I was in there…..

Why was I there you ask? OMG, we’re not even that close yet….enough about me…”


“Is she gonna give *us* any grief about getting to know each other”

If she’s not very independent – YOU HAVE TO MEET AND DEFUSE THE FRIENDS.

You have to play this part by ear, but I like to build up more trust, rapport, and comfort after the initial heat of the exchange – so that I can arm her with some good stuff to say about me when we get resistance from the friends.

Then I go meet the friends. Merely cute chicks are rarely alone, hot chicks are never alone.

To get some privacy with her from the friends in the venue – you need to win over the friends.

“She’s (the prospect) terrible at introductions…”
“Archie, world renowned intern to the assistant to the head janitor at Goldman Sachs. I get to say I’m in finance”

Or whatever’s on my mind. Something over the top, shows creativity, maybe a bit of understanding of her world. Have to run attraction game on the group.

“Oh you must be Bertha, Agatha told me you were a sweetie pie.” (especially if the target Agatha said Bertha was a straight bitch – to which you always reframe to the target that her friends are just loving and protective)

“Bertha is exactly like you said she was…now if what you said was right, you think she’d be interested in that thing…”
*raise eyebrows*
“is sharing truly caring?”

Implying a 3some or something sexy and racy is typically enough for me to defuse the female protection.
The rawness and humor of it makes things easier.

That being said, sometimes the female friends are way more wound up than is warranted. They will do the tug of war with your prospect being the rope.

Handling the guy in the group

“Hey dude, what’s up man”

If he tries to cut your legs out from under you, always go for the jugular,

“Dude if I was you I would totally talk to Agatha. You don’t like her like that? She’s cool and gorgeous. You want me to say something to her”

Laying an orbiter’s desire for your target out will leave most of them flatfooted. (and if you’re the orbiter, in that situation, totally embrace the frame, go with it, and take it further)

But if he’s cool, be cool to him. Ideally you can run a quick little mini mission with him while you chill with Agatha’s group. “Dude, you’re the man, we need to get you laid tonight….” And then just open the next chick within earshot and introduce him.

All while this is happening – your target is watching you interact with her friends, with strangers, and she’s not seeing any red flags. You’re a cool social guy.

So you’ve won over the friends. You’ve attracted the chick and made her invest.

Move to a different part of the club/venue, and “get to know her a little more”. But this ain’t the time for “What did you want to be when you grew up” kind of discussion.

But that’s basically it.


  1. After she’s open
  2. Make her double down
  3. Find out her situation
  4. Find her friends
  5. Disarm the friends
  6. Get some privacy
  7. Suggest a place to connect
