Mystery Method in a New Age

Mystery Method

As Jay-Z once said

“Students of the game, we passed the classes. Nobody could read you dudes like we do

Most of the groundbreaking ideas that brought “pick up” aka game to the forefront of society were developed in the late 90’s and early to mid 00’s.    It’s not that game didn’t exist before Style and Mystery.

fillmore slim n'nemI mean, a lot of us came up in the barbershop.  I remember hearing about my first player’s ball as RT Idlebird was cutting my high top fade.

Even one of the most famous bits from back in the day was “borrowed” from the great Chris Rock

*Cut and Paste this joint, Youtube’s hating on the embed*

But let’s not get on that “Who invented what..”  Someone’s liable to pull out Ovid.

It’s not yet 20 years later, but a lot of the things I learned way back when have been lost as pick up was mainstreamed in order to get a lot of money.  So a lot of the nuance and geeky technical stuff was put aside so that young “Bro’s” could score with sorority chicks.

It’s funny that “those” guys are the target market, when it’s really the nerdy types that refined it and it’s most useful for.  I digress.

What exactly is the Mystery Method?

First, let’s get rid of the notion that it’s *his* method.   A better way to think about MM is that he broke down what was happening at the bars and clubs into 9 basic steps.  3 phases each having 3 steps.

First there is the attraction phase.  Then there is the comfort phase.  And finally there is the seduction phase.

In real life

  • Man shows up to the venue.   If he’s tall, rich, well dressed, handsome or people seem to know who he is – he’s getting everyone’s attention.   If he’s loud, he’s getting people’s attention.
  • Once the girl lays eyes on him, the animal part of her brain starts to assess him.  “Ooh, he’s tall”  “Ooh, he’s got big muscles”  “Ooh, he looks like a baller”.
  • Sometimes she doesn’t see him initially, or she sees him and looks straight through him.  But she sees how other people interact with the guy.  He knows the bartender.  He knows the bouncers, the owners.  The waitresses are running up to hug him.  He knows the DJ.
  • Maybe she sees none of that, but she does see him hold the attention of a group of people, and they are hanging on to his every word.  Maybe, she’s within earshot of his booming voice, and her interest is piqued.  It could be the content of the conversation.
  • She’s *now* receptive to him.  She’s now in the early stages of attraction.
  • If our would be player steps up to her, she’s more willing to hear what he has to say.   If she hadn’t seen what she’d seen, she would not be as willing to talk to him.    She might even be indifferent or hostile.
  • But she did see him.   She was cool with what she saw.   So she’s open to being talked to
  • Will she meet his standard?  If the man is merely impressed with her looks – for whatever reason – the more that a chick thinks of herself – the less that validating on her looks will get you any where.
  • So you have to QUALIFY her.  Only if she meets the qualifications of “The Man” is she okay with getting to know him better.

What a lot of squares do is walk right up, introduce themselves, run down their accomplishments, and try to befriend the girl, hoping to turn that into a spark.     The squares that don’t talk to women, often feel that they don’t have enough accomplishments to really present a good case to the women.  And some of us even feel that we’ll NEVER have the right stuff…so why even bother?

What Mystery observed, and what many players before and after him noticed was that – Trying to Impress a chick rarely works.  Making her feel like she needs to impress you works like gangbusters.

How do you do that?

Well that’s what the game is.
