The Sex Addict

[Ed. Trying to work through a backlog of half finished pieces]

This one was sparked the a comment on the forum about needing to have all your internal stuff sorted out before you can pull 1) quantity, 2) quality.


If you do this long enough, if you pay attention , you’ll see all sorts of guys pull.  There are all sorts of rackets to having sex.   Only one of which is “Cold Approach Conversion Game”

So when I hear a young guy coming into the game talking about having to build up internally in order to get chicks, I just shake my head.

I look at the guys that I know get a fair amount of trim, and some of them are emotionally healthy, and others have deep issues.

I’ve mentioned one of the dudes before. He’s a full on sex addict. He has four kids, three different mothers, and will still spend his time in clubs.

When he can’t get out, he’ll order up a pro. I’ve seen him work, and heard his pulls. Flash game to get her open, then drills down on her insecurity.

He’s not really right in his life. Either he’s deeply insecure or he’s overly full of himself.

But he pulls like crazy despite not being together mentally.  Indeed, it’s his faults that probably *help* him pull.

Bagging chicks is a skillset. Arguably it’s a mindset, but that’s for later

Famous Players that have the Skill Set, but don’t necessarily

  • Mystery – Most famously with his break down in the game
  • Style – according to him in his latest book
  • Tyler – again, we’ve seen that
  • Some of the other RSD instructors who’ve attracted notoriety over the years

Now, to be fair, if you want to teach pick up professionally, it’s a lot of dealing with young girls drama, and a whole lot of handling people.  On top of that, you’re dealing with male personalities and egos.   The nature of the work isn’t as conducive to mental calm as say library science.

Outside of our world, crazy chicks pull guys.   Within my community, when a guy dates a crazy chick, the assumption is that the pussy must be bananas.

“Whoa, she slashed your tires dawg?  Bet that gunch is fire..”

Game is a skill set.

  • See the girl.  Approach. Start the conversation.
  • Dazzle her.  Get her to invest and double down.
  • Give her some rapport,
  • Find someplace to get cozy
  • Read Qur’an verses to each other.

Maybe your mindset and internals give you bad body language,  poor micro-expressions, but these are things that you can smooth over with practice.  If you needed a shrink to work out all of your mommy and daddy issues, no one would get laid.


3 thoughts on “The Sex Addict”

  1. So what you are basicly saying is that game will make up for bad “innergame”? Iets assume that I do all the things mentioned above (except for the qur’an verses) but without displaying any confidence. Do you still think I can get laid that way? Because I thought that being confident was the most important pussy wetting quality a man could have.

    1. Confidence isn’t the panacea that guys think it is.
      Women “reward” weakness and strength – but it’s on her to make those types of decisions.
      If the guy wants “choice” – he needs to do the work such that her “decision” is the easiest one.

      How do farmers make decisions on what seed or equipment to purchase? A lot of them get advice from the SALESMAN. If ask a barber if I need a haircut, what are the chances he’s gonna say no?

      If the farmer realized that he was being manipulated – he wouldn’t buy. So the salesman designs his whole economic life around this.

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