Using Real Psych for Game

This is the sort of thing that gets me excited

The processing scene discussion about 1:46

“Asking questions with

“Relive the experience that causes the …

“When the person has a positive realization…”

For me, this is the sort of thing that points to a direction.

Once you’ve got the chick on the solo, and she’s feeling you, this is when the “manual” says you go into deep and wide rapport.

What if you had some actual technique in that?

What could you then do?

Now peep game here.

This is a choice line

The failure of decision-makers to grapple with the inner workings of their own minds, and their desire to indulge their gut feelings, made it “quite likely that the fate of entire societies may be sealed by a series of avoidable mistakes committed by their leaders.”

How do you adapt this to game?   The background of this quote is 2 psychologists are trying to influence military and political leaders.  Those guys basically went with their gut.  But their gut feelings got people killed.

The game lesson here is not that just that we want to play the #’2, but to understand how our minds affect our decision making skills AND how her mind affects hers.

We’re not about tricks.  We’re about figuring out what the chick is TRULY motivated by.  And that’s what we’re trying to tap into.




2 thoughts on “Using Real Psych for Game”

  1. “figuring out what the chick is TRULY motivated by”

    That’s also one of the fundamental tenets of sales. Here’s a couple of quotes from The Secret of Selling Anything by Harry Browne:

    “There are certain qualifications that will determine whether or not this prospect will buy. There’s a certain basis upon which he’ll make his decision. Find out what it is and you can concentrate solely on that.
    Here we can see the secret of successful salesmanship. If there is one rule, one key, one basic law that tells us what you have to do to make a sale, then this must be it:
    Find this prospect’s motivation and appeal to it.”

    “How did I manage to motivate that prospect? The answer is that I didn’t. He was already motivated. I merely asked him what it was that motivated him. And he told me.”

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