Pick Up is Going Underground

Download all the pickup videos from Youtube that you can right now.  I use IDM, internet download manager.  Well worth the 25 bucks.

The rumor is that pick up videos, where the guy actually talks to girls in public, are going to be banned by the Youtube Terms of service.

This just happened

The whole community is basically running scared.  Maybe you won’t be able to make money on pick up anymore….Oh No!

Quick Rundown of the State of the Community.

Roosh – He’s converted.  Good luck to him and God, we wish him well.

Roissy – not that he’s all that pick up, been basically deplatformed.

Simple Pick Up – been over.  It’s funny how Kong is talking about how he’s grateful that guys say he saved their lives but doesn’t acknowledge what part of “how to talk to girls on campus” played a part in it.

This classic may be still up.


James Marshall is done. (The London boys do day game and basically changed the industry)

RSD – with the exception of Jeffy, all of them have gone Self Development and deleted all of their pick up content.

No announcements.  RSD Madison is now Mr. Madison.

Here’s the real kicker – try to sign up for a bootcamp.


Tom Torero – No videos at all


The Red Pill on Reddit – Gone.

Who’s left?

Valentino Cohen 


James Tusk


(This is actually good series – Indian guy goes from chump to champ and only messes with white girls.  This is the holy grail of the pick up industry.)

Fluid Social 

Tay Social


Todd Valentine

If you’re trying to keep up with Mystery, he rocks with Colgate, but they smartly don’t do any infield footage.

Girls Chase? 

I don’t actually agree with this guy’s advice and this is the only pickup video I can find.  The pick up itself isn’t even on camera and barely on mic.

Only Talking Heads are Left

What you have left are the “talking head” pua/redpill/seduction coaches.


Alpha Male Strategies.  

And the Passport Game brothers

1 Master Teacher



Before you start tearing your hair out, The Pick Up Community started with guys just exchanging notes on their experiences.  So we’re returning to form.


(I don’t see how he does this without getting model releases.)

So now’s the time to grab an external hard drive and get your stuff downloaded.


14 thoughts on “Pick Up is Going Underground”

          1. They been transitioning away from pickup ever since Julien exposed himself and rsd on cnn. This witch hunt being the final straw.

            For a time he was the greatest recorded pua.


            Better shot of his marriage. They sold 9 & 10 game advice.

            But when the odd receipt of a bottom bitch surfaces she pretty at best. owen cook, julien, and the super hyped derek [seen this couple in my city clueless on where to take students on a Thursday night].

  1. One one hand, this massive deplatforming of game is somewhat of an opportunity. No more spending hours upon hours reading about game — now, if you want results, you’ll have to go out there and see what works and what doesn’t for yourself! A longer journey, yes, but perhaps a more rewarding one as well.

  2. They nuked SquattinCassanova’s channel too, he had a good 85% of his channel focused on infield interactions and documented pulls. Sucks ass that this is happening, but it’s probably for the better. Game in general has always been an area with a high barrier of entry. These vids can help a newbie, but after a while you have guys who just absorb content without going out into the field in order to internalize it.

  3. Speaking of Rollo I’m confident you’ll have thoughts on his upcoming interview of CMQ’s good friend Andrew Tate.


    A millionaire from webcam pimping internet strippers. A “natural” with solid cold approaching.

    I’m surprised at the lack of WIA review on Tate. He embodies the red pill at its strongest. Vicious relationship game and the only coach to consistently show receipts of 8+ women. No face blurring yet expecting everyone to believe.

  4. so pickup is going back to its roots of “weirdos” trading knowledge on forums.

    This is a major step forwards for pickup. The knowledge is purer without commercialization for the cameras.

    Sucks for newbs who want to see it in action for inspiration.

    I enjoyed Squatting & James Marshall while they were around.

    Chinese 50 Cent was one of the few very honest people in the industry.

    James made the woo woo grounded in reality and was excellent example for calm practical men.

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