Running Game at the Gym

Reported for.. talking to girls at the gym?
byu/Steve77307 inPickUpArtist

In case this gets deleted

This is the original post

I was at the gym today in the squat rack, and the manager came up to me briefly. I Can’t remember exactly what he said, but it was about how I was talking to some people and it made them feel uncomfortable. I asked him what I said, who was it, and/or what day it occurred, but he wouldn’t disclose anything else than that, other than they were women. Regardless, he expressed how it wasn’t a big deal and left.

I am at a bit of a loss as to what to make of it. Yes I have been trying to talk to some girls at the gym, but I have not been explicit about it or flirty in any way. I made sure to approach them during appropriate times, such as when they are resting between sets or when they are on their phone. I never tried asking for their number or social media accounts. I was playing “the long game” so to speak. I have only spoke to these women once except for one, and all of the interactions appeared to have been pleasant, and under 5 minutes. I have done everything I could not to come off as creepy or to seem like I am “hitting on” them, Yet I still getting reported too the staff.

I can’t really learn much from it.. except to be even MORE worried about what you say and do. Maybe I am doing something I am not realizing that is putting them off. Regardless, it is a sad state of affair’s when men have to be soo perfect when approaching women.

I’m critical of guys that approach at gym or at work, in general.

But his follow up comment

I have done pickup before and have tried some things that might be considered riskier. Such as “number closing” some office girls at work (I got written up a few times) and I was banned at one gym about 4 years ago for doing explicit pickup when I was breaking into the game.

What I was doing here though is tame in comparison.

There’s a problem here deeper than technique and social dynamics.

I just don’t know exactly what it is.

2 thoughts on “Running Game at the Gym”

  1. Archie

    Welcome back, I’m glad someons alive in the space!

    I think it’s moved on. Originally they despised Beta and wanted nothing to do with them. That manifests as just ignoring them, shaming, and refusing their advances etc….

    Now I think they actually want to destroy Beta. I sometimes look at this place to catch up on what other builders are charging for this and that and the odd thing crops up.

    This guy asked a woman for a coffee, nothing more, and she tried to ruin him over it, get him fired etc.. :

    So I think that the problem with the guy in your poast is he DIDNT run game. He just “talked to a girl” and because he wasn’t Alpha she wanted to destroy him (within what was available to her) – which is to report him to the management.

  2. I’m guessing his non-verbals were probably off. It’s possible he’s giving off nice guy vibes and lingering around the girl for too long. trying to build rapport while the chick wasn’t interested in continuing conversation. So social skills were weak and couldn’t reach social hook point.

    On a side note, someone released a infield with 100 approaches in a single day. Would love your analysis/breakdown on this:

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