The Economics of Hypergamy in Norway

Partner selection is a vital feature of human behavior with important
consequences for individuals, families, and society. We use the term
hypergamy to describe a phenomenon whereby there is a tendency for
husbands to be of higher rank within the male earnings capacity distribution than their wives are within the female distribution. Such patterns are difficult to verify empirically because earnings are both a cause and an effect of the mating process.

Using parental earnings rank as a predetermined measure of earnings capacity to solve the simultaneity problem, we show that hypergamy is an important feature of todays mating patterns in one of the most gender-equal societies in the world, namely Norway. We argue that through its influence on household specialization, hypergamy may explain parts of the remaining gender wage gap.

Even when they can make the same money, they still prefer someone richer.


Guy Frequents a Gentleman’s Club

[deleted by user]
by inpickup

To summarize it – a former bartender that frequents gentleman’s clubs to drink and occasionally spend a few dollars on stage girls has attracted a 19 year old worker.  She makes the first move, and gives him her contact information – Instagram.  He does not have IG but creates an account on the spot. He’s now stuck in the loop of text based seduction.

I can feel you cringe through my monitor.

So I replied with some tough love, but I did want to expand on this topic a bit.

As I explained in the post, though it’s possible to honestly connect with a girl that’s working – it’s not something to bank on.

The plays with a hired gun/xes worker

    • You’re in actively the biz yourself (and you invite her to your bar)

    • You’re really physically attractive

    • You’re offline famous (or online famous in something that she’s into)

    • Bisexual GF/GFS or/and Coca Cola (if you use drug game, she can get weed, weed is what you use for civilian girls not hired guns and not sex workers)

    • Some other stripper at her job wants you, and she gets wind of it.

In general, the real way to meet a xes worker (cam girl, stripper, pro, sugarbaby, etc) is to meet them in real life, off duty, where you don’t know she’s a professional.  That’s how I’ve met them, and connected.  Everything is “Even Steven”.

Shout out to @DriftWrench.

I think the comments should be open…