Because Cats are so Hard to Train

All interaction categories showed a positive correlation between success rate and valence score, especially in the train and play interactions than in the touch and feed interactions.

Goes on to say.

Moreover, cats’ autonomous behaviors and reactions positively influenced the participants.

If you wonder why you’re obsessed…and if you wonder what behaviors you can learn from others…


Why has Simping entered the Manosphere Lexicon?

West Indian Archie -I’m West Indian!  From time to time we’ve touched on the Pimp Game, but mostly to say

Why am I bringing up Pimping?

Because it’s the opposite of the word, simping.

Suddenly every Tom, Dick, and Harry is talking about simping.

There are even young dudes talking about Choosing Signals? (I blame AMS for this actually)

What’s next?

  • Reckless eyeballing?
  • Proximity alerts?
  • Gotta bitch going renegade?

This is what Pimp Game sounds like.

So why are all these AWS certified/SHTF prepper guys talking about simping?

Anyway, just something sticking in my craw.  It was bad enough when a certain famous pickup artist stole Chris Rocks’ famous joke, “Who lies more..”

But now they want to horn in on the pimp talk?  Without giving credit? Without understanding it?


– West Indian “Square” Archie

What happens after Marriage?

Where Did Our Sex Life Go?

This is a family blog, and I don’t like to delve too much into the ins and outs of getting it in and pulling it out.  There is p-hub out there who want the gory details.

That said, we’ve got 6’4″ guy that’s still fit, dutiful husband, but she’s too tired to take some D, and more importantly she doesn’t want it.

What should homie do?  What does the current Red Pill say?

Mouthbreather – “Hold Frame”

Mouthbreather – “Use dread”

Mouthbreather – “Constantly improve yourself”

Mouthbreather – “Introduce competition anxiety!”

What’s he really going to do, issue a BJ ultimatum? Start hitting the clubs with his boys? Come back smelling like Scandalous or Angel by Thierry Mugler.

You really should read the comments at the instagram post.  This ain’t some one off.  Hoes in their cosigning like a mf’er

If she don’t want to bang, she don’t want to bang.  Extracting sex out of a chick via browbeating or emotional force is bad game.

“Captain’s log: it’s been 125 days since my husband and I had sex. And I’m not any more in the mood than I was four months ago.”

His next best alternative is to “soft next” aka separate, or “hard next” and divorce her.   Why hasn’t he? Aside from divorce rape and destroying the thing he’s built for his child.

When we first met I was probably half the size I am now. I had long platinum locks, boundless energy, and high libido. I jumped my husband every chance I got. In the car. At hotels. Constantly at home. I wasn’t tired. I always wanted to touch him and be touched by him.

Now? Oh my gosh, please take your hands off me! PLEASE! My 2-year-old touches me all day. And in my sleep. I loathe bodily contact now.

Fam…is there anyway my man could have predicted this?

Let’s get a bit into the solipsism.

Now, I feel like we look 10 years apart. I’m graying with wrinkles and saggy parts, and he’s pulling a Brad Pitt on me and getting better looking with age.

I don’t have any answers here.  I’m not saying that Sex is the be all end all of a relationship.  But this is not what my dude signed up for, not given her past track record.

I wonder if them boys over at Rollo’s site got any insight?


Meme Watch

One of the more interesting things about being subscribed to FDS (Female Dating Strategy) and TRP (The Red Pill) – is not only being unwelcome in both places – but how much they converge on the same ideas.

This is something Game with a capital G has always taught.  When you come at Game from the barbershop perspective, where the man giving you a fade is rapping with everyone in the shop – this is the thing you hear.

It doesn’t matter how much money you make, what you look like, how tall you are – the only thing that matters is how you make her feel.

In our circles, this is sort of taken as a truism.  Something we say, but don’t really practice.  Meanwhile, Pimps and Players, practice this.  It’s the foundation of their game.  Laughs and Cries, Highs and lows.  Even old school indirect pick up would start an interaction with a push (a tease) and then pull the chick back in with a compliment.

So I was taken aback when this meme popped up on their board.

Clearly, they mean it to be something positive, always treat a girl well, be consistent in action, don’t treat her poorly.  They are of course responding to her reality of attractive guys that use her for her body, sex, money, service etc.

Please, treat me well.

Yet, sadly, many of these women, attractive faces and bodies, are only drawn to men that treat them poorly.

What is a man to do?



Simping is at an all time High in 2020

First thing first, If you don’t know what the opposite of Simping is, then you shouldn’t be using the word Simping.  Most these folks out here calling names, wouldn’t know where to buy a pair of gators if their lives depended on it.

Where are the fathers?

But this bit of fuckery….

  • Girl swipes right on guy.
  • Has a few facebook dates.
  • He is a bit weird.
  • She’s sharing the play by play with her roommate (who’s 34 – thirty fucking four)
  • She goes to the Beach (by herself)  He arranges for her AND HER ROOMMATE to get some food for her to take home. (Chicken Parm and a Salad, and a Veggie Burger for her roommate)
  • Sweet and Creative
  • Dinner for 2, but one of them can’t even eat
  • I’m sure that there are girls that will come over, will hang out and I WILL NOT DO THAT
  • She sends him a pic of her cooking.  He shows up.
  • Roommate is taping this joint.
  • “how long are you gonna keep this up”
  • More “meal exchanges”
  • “I’ve never felt this way”

Did Beta game work out? He provided so much material stuff and service.  HE MADE HER FEEL SPECIAL.

The update?  Things didn’t work out.  After all that simping…


Even if you don’t have a father figure, remember Rap used to be good…




The feminine conspiracy

Amber Harrison has said her affair with Channel 7 CEO Tim Worner was “never about love. It was about sex and power”.


It is not power alone that is an aphrodisiac, it is the combination of power and charisma.

Leadership expert Ronald E. Riggio describes the key elements of charisma as social and emotional expressiveness, sensitivity and control. That is, the ability to know what to say when, how to say it, and how to read a room.

This high-level communication ability means that a charismatic man knows exactly who he has to be to get what he wants in any situation. He knows what a young, beautiful girl likes to hear. He knows how to flatter and seduce, tease and amuse.

The same skills he’s honed to cajole unhappy clients, close deals and smooth over disagreements, are perfect for getting under the defences of a stranger.

You can tell this was written for women

A charismatic, powerful man is an excellent listener, is attentive and thoughtful and will work hard to make you laugh. They will have the means to shower you with gifts and take you to amazing places.

A charismatic person has the ability to make you feel like you’re the only person in the room. And they will not take ‘no’ for an answer. They will be charmingly persistent for as long as necessary.

There are lots of these articles that float around from time to time.

    • Usually written by women
    • Meant to warn women
    • Men are the enemy, the predators.  Women are innocents.
    • Ends up instructing men

Keep an Eye Out

– Archie