Roosh – Game Review

Recommendation – Strong Buy

Reservations – My world view is different and my game is different, but there is still value to be had in what Roosh teaches.

My Typical Book Recommendation.

My usual recommendation for a book on pick up is The Book of YaReally. The book is kinda hard to find if you don’t know how to google well, but here’s a link to the captured website .

His book is a collection of blog comments organized roughly by category.  950+ pages.  He takes one guy from zero to hero – Scray, and explains all sorts of practical details when it comes to approach anxiety, starting, learning, escalation anxiety – and the practical nitty gritty of how do I get from point A to Point B.  But that’s also why it’s so long.

Book of YaR basically updates the Mystery Method and PUA for the current era.  It isn’t really a book on Game with a Capital G (Being defined by me as focusing on the psychology and behavior of the player and the lady), but more so MM updated to deal with texting, social media, dating sites, and a Red Pill 1.5.

Roosh’s Book is similar.  Mystery Method for the most part has been jettisoned, but the practical realities of dating plus Red Pill 2.0.

Where I’m coming from.

I’ve been on RVF since close to the beginning.  I remember Roosh from his DC Bachelor days.  I don’t remember Roissy the commenter, but I do remember following the site and Virgle Kent’s site back then.  My cold approach night game was probably at its peak.  I had been devouring game since ~00? And been an active practitioner from 1/1/2001.  It was about 6 months after a break up, not that I wanted to be a player in the new millennium.

I read Bang when it dropped (07) and eagerly followed his travels.  I’d had 7 years of running game at that point, and slaying was as easy as breathing.  I was a solid practitioner.

The first Bang, was basically a no-frills/stripped down Mystery Method.  And it came out of a fellow STEM guy like myself, not an artistic guy (it’s called a pick up ARTIST for a reason).

The key message, it might even be a verbatim quote, is that when he changed his behavior – his results changed.

He didn’t suddenly become this muscle bound, billionaire.  He thought differently, acted differently, and got different results.  Within PUA, there’s this idea, If one man can do it, another man can.  Tyler used to say it all the time, I don’t know if they still adhere to that these days.

And then things changed.  I believe it was RVF veteran Scorpion that talked about the dating apocalypse.

The Internet + Social Media + Dating Sites + iPhones.

This happened in 2007-2009.  I was probably in a relationship at the tail end of the change, so when I got back out – the world was a different place.  Girls still basically react to the PUA the same, and everyone still reacts to Game – but the girls were taking themselves out the running.

  • Some of it was diet.
  • Some of it was life choices in terms of wanting more schooling and more education.

But a lot of it was this new preference for communication.

Along with this change, Roosh changed.  The world changed Roosh.  Roosh changed with the new world.  And Roissy, who like a lot of white guys doing PUA always had a few raised eyebrows, he along with others started this new “era” of PUA that wasn’t PUA at all.  It was the manosphere. A convergence of racists, anti-feminists, misogynists, arch-conservatives….  I don’t want to get into it, but this was not my scene at all.

PUA has always had republicans, libertarians, traditionalists, but the average PUA just liked sex.  Girls, as a group, could be frustrating.  “Girl Power/Feminism” was annoying.  But women were not the enemy.  Individual women could tear your heart out – but most of us understood that dealing with a woman in all of her glory was part of the price. If she was logical and predictable, like a man, you would not be as interested.

Bang was written before this change in female behavior and the rise of Manosphere – with its offshoots into politics.   Classic PUA (all the people that have game careers thanks to Project Hollywood) after being exposed in the Game but then just ridiculed into obscurity with Mystery’s show moved into being Tony Robbins lite.   (The latest era is bringing back a lifestyle based game as advertised on Social Media, but that’s another topic)

Can it be that it was all so simple?

What would happen if Bang was rewritten for today?

That’s what happened.  Knowing what he knows about today, how would you update the book?

10 Chapters with 2 Appendices

  1. Introduction
  2. Internal Game
  3. Pre-Game
  4. Attraction
  5. The Roosh Program
  6. Approaching
  7. Dating
  8. Sex
  9. Relationships
  10. Conclusion
  11. Social Circle
  12. Love Tourism
  13. Introduction

Introduction – Roosh’s World View

How spoiled are women for sexual options? Very.   And all of these offers explain their behavior.  And if her behavior is like this now, what sort of long term partner would she make.  This line of inquiry – the LTR qualities that a man can detect early on – is a big theme of the book.

For Roosh, Girls are not just spoiled for choices, they are spoiled – mostly everywhere that’s been touched by modernity.  Classic PUA 2.0 as best exemplified by YaReally’s Book on Game, has basically dealt with this reality in practice (We don’t love these hoes!) but not really in philosophy.  PUA can be sought of as a set of moves, whereas Roosh is offering an entire school of thought.

As he notes, this is the best of times and the worst of times.  “Casual Encounters” are super easy.  A young woman can swipe a boy over, he takes an uber to her place, they order seamless, watch Netflix, have relations, and he leaves.  There has been a lot of handwringing in The Press about “hookup culture” and the emptiness that women have afterwards, but this is the world they chose.

R defines game as “a collection of beliefs, behaviors, strategies, and tactics to make women more attracted to you while increasing your likelihood of experience intimacy”

The word here for me is “likelihood”.

The book will suggest how to improve yourself (building your foundation), a simple timeline from meet to relations, and practical methods to go from point A to B.  A lot of care is taken to not write this like the old school chick recipe style book.

Without a doubt, the book is about COLD APPROACH.  Night game or day game, the game is the mostly same.

He talks a bit about his 2002 style of game and you can sense the cringe in his writing.  As much as we want the game to be an art, a lot of it will always be cringey.  When it’s smooth and elegant, it often doesn’t do what we expect it to do.  There’s this narrative tendency in explaining game, we want it to be smooth, but the real life is that it’s often not.

He says that provider game used to work in chapter 1, and this is where my understanding of game diverges from his.

Provider “Game” in America

If you’re goal is to dangle a better economic life in front of a chick if she pleases you romantically – Provider Game works and has always works.  Provider “game” still works now for chicks that want providers, its always worked.

But who are these girls?  I’m sure a lot of you guys know women in your life looking for a “good man” and what good man means is a stable high income job.  I know I do.  He only needs to be somewhat nice, not a player, and he can have a relationship.  But these aren’t girls that I want, and you probably don’t want them either.

The classic tome, Practical Female Psychology as well as anything that delves into women’s sexual strategies.

One guy is for good genes, the other guy is for resources is how it breaks down.  Guys have made great side hustles on examining this idea of “Hypergamy” (which I pronounce as high-purr-guh-mee, not High-Per-Game-EEE).   A lot of commentators will go as far to say that the Rich Guy is getting transactional sex, but Alpha guy is getting validational sex.  Moving on..

Roosh says his job is to teach you how to pull with the least effort possible. Again, this is a divergence in our thinking.  I’m really about trying to do the most.  I am really about taking some low key interaction and making it into a classic night.

But I think it would be fair to say that the book is a lazy man’s guide to getting laid.  He goes through a lot of lengths to protect egos and to focus on easy to remember strategies and going for mini-relationships instead of copious SNL’S and the constantly on the make conception of classic PUA.

Roosh does recall some L’s which are kinda funny, but also not written defensively. I’m not going to give his critics any ammunition, but the book could easily be taken out of context.

One of the things that comes to mind when I read his encounters (when I watch anyone else’s encounters) – that’s not the message I would take away from the feedback.   He recalls a 2013 Toronto Encounter, where the chicks were evaluating him on every joke.  He got the Game “goofy” in that instance to me.  It is a tough thing for me to say that you should be evaluating chicks – but that’s what I see some of his problems are.

There is a practical paradox in being a man with standards and then trying to have girls like you.  More later.

There are some more “old man”-isms in the first chapter.

Back in my day, men were men and women were women.  Instead of railing on manly chicks, it’s the basic soy-boy characterization of guys playing video games, porn, and “soy products”.   Roosh knows his audience.

The rest of the chapter sets up a world where women are gaining power and men are basically XY Hyenas looking to feed of the old and injured of the herd, occasionally catching a choice gazelle. None of us are Lions in his mind anymore.

There is also a lot of the “enjoy the decline”/”social decline is happening”/Decline of Western Society.    He says all of this, because his game skills require constant updating.

He paints a very grim picture, which undoubtedly conforms to his world view and a lot of people in the Red Pill community.

Thing is, I’m black.  Not inconveniently black, but like I’ve read Garvey, Diop, Rodney, Vessey, Douglas, X, Nkrumah, Newton, etc black.

Roosh gives his background as a late bloomer and his initial motivations. (get laid and get a GF).  This LTR orientation carries through the book, a Madonna/Whore complex.

Chapter 2 Internal Game

“Your beliefs determine behavior.”

A very strong statement which he applies to men. A classic PUA would take this unassailable logic and apply it to women.  There is not much of that this in the book.  He departs from late 90’s teachings.

To up your Internal game aka Inner Game he suggests Affirmations.  He has a list of 7 that he likes.  One particular one to note is this one.

“A girl primarily evaluates my value based on how I treat her”

Guys think it’s their looks, but Roosh argues that it’s how guys treat girls.  Further, she only wants to be with a guy that is of higher value.  And what do high value people do to low value people – treat low value people as if they are beneath them.

This is traditional PUA thinking that RSD and Todd V all incorporate.  But coming from a BMG perspective, where the dominant society treats you like this constantly – what we know is that this builds resistance.   Don’t treat my kindness for weakness is a common thing, but it plays with the notion of being liked by all or having everyone wonder if they like you.

I don’t like this idea of value and I think it gets guys focused on the wrong thing.  But it works.

Per Roosh, if you treat her like she’s beneath you, she’ll try to win your approval.

Where we differ – This type of thinking runs into stupid value questions.

If you think like this, don’t you lose your value if you approach the girl and try to start the interaction?

I read a lot of beginner questions because those “question” everything style of questions that are rooted in practical things basically let you think about game at a deeper level.

Anyway, Roosh makes a smart statement.

You decide your own value when you chat up a new girl. 

So you can fake high value till you make high value.  You can shape her reactions to you, by your conscious actions towards her.

This is some real good game even if it comes from a fucked up place.

There are some other good affirmations in here as well.

Chapter 3 – Pre Game

This is the part where you work on your look, your speech, and actions.   There are obviously better sources, but he at least gives you a good list to work on – and you can seek out other sources.

Chapter 4 – Attraction

He goes into types of attraction, what triggers attraction, what destroys it, and how unstable it is.

The types of attraction are explained in very concrete and time oriented ways –   Pre-minute, post minute, and reputational.

Pre-minute is the idea that a girl knows if she wants to get with you in the first 5-60 seconds.  Post is after she experiences your behavior, and Reputational is what others say about you and have said.

White Guy Trying to Impress Possible Employer

Triggers are the typical looks and personality.  And destroyers are the things you think would destroy attraction.

He ends the chapter with 3 types of game

  • Clown game – Entertaining her. (everyone is now against this)
  • Provider Game – obvious – useful in traditional societies
  • Hybrid – obvious

Chapter 5-  Roosh Program

This is basically how to learn his style of pickup.   This is very similar to his advice in Bang, even down to watching Seinfeld.  But it puts muscling up front and center.  No Fap and Reading Books also show up.  Roosh goes Renaissance on this one.

Chapter 6 – Approaching

It should be called cold approaching, and he goes into lots of detail here.  This is the reason to buy the book if you want no frills “how to talk to girls”.

Rejection is no big deal for Roosh.  He’s not a converter, he’s a screener.  This actually has some legs to it, even though I’m much more of a “closer” – his reasoning for her “rejecting” you is so simple that it should make the next chick EASIER to approach.

He advocates a volume approach/numbers game at first.

What is interesting about the book are the two factors that determine a chick’s options with random cold approaches – Attraction and Availability.

  • Attraction – Is she highly attracted to you?
  • Availability – Is she available for connection?

Girls don’t actually need to think like this in order for it to be useful framework for a guy.  It makes the inevitable wheel spinning more tolerable as you grind through your first 100 approaches to build up reference points.

Roosh teaches the reader to remain detached from the experience,

Which is useful advice for guys that are too attached to the outcome of every encounter.  In time, learning to inject attachment can help your game – though it may not initially help your results.

There are some good visualization exercises in this section as well.

Indirect vs Direct

His understanding of indirect game is flawed, and think of it as more of delayed direct.

Proper indirect game is interacting with a chick, pushing her buttons, and she starts to wonder WHY IS THIS COOL GUY NOT HITTING ON ME?    You close this chick by putting her in a situation where she’s seeking your validation, and you’re giving her compliance hoops to jump through.  You are the one that decides, not her. That’s the whole point of what Style and Mystery were doing.  Mystery in particular can tell you a banal story in a compelling way, and that only invites more chat, more energy.  At which point, he can withhold that emotional joy/zeal/interest for a price.

I can’t blame Roosh.  If you watch his stuff on YouTube he can go from dry and monotone, to funny and animated – but doesn’t seem to have the media training to tap into the compelling part of himself.  But he would then be conforming to what society wants…

The way Roosh suggests indirect game is starting some innocent chat and moving to asking her out for a date.  So each beat in the conversation goes from general bullshit to asking her out or for a number.

I am begging for your number.

Direct is what it is commonly understood by guys that know nothing about pickup. A comment that is unambiguous about your intent.  It’s usually about her.

Night game vs Day Game – His book Day Bang is much explanation of his style.  I would not buy this book to learn day game.  It does highlight a lot of the differences between the two.

Chapter 7 – Dating

He includes the text issues here, and talks about calling a girl as well.

There aren’t many (any?) killer lines to text when she stops responding here.  He does talk about some of the basic text rules that everyone talks about.  (text less, text at the right time, reply at the right interval).  The basic rule to texting is to not appear to needy, and you appear that way by not over-texting.  This of course leads to all sorts of practical issues that you see on any beginner’s forum, because girls don’t initiate.   Girls typically don’t have good text skills, they don’t make conversations “man” interesting. They have no problem texting their girlfriends though.

But the section on texting and setting up the date is pretty thorough.  If anything, it should convince you to go for the SNL/SDL.

Date design is discussed

  • When to time it
  • What to do to keep costs down
  • Etc

What’s important is that he ramps down expectations on what to text.  If you’ve ever read r/Tinder – those guys are doing the most and not getting the results to speak of.

The section on dating is really extensive.  If a guy has autism issues and struggles to understand the flow of a date – this coupled with a good autism book would be great.


Do you have standards?

There is a mini-section on qualification, which isn’t in the approach section.  I think this is in error, especially when Roosh’s criteria for women includes LTR aspects for STR encounters.   But bringing out qualifications during the date scenario is brilliant in it’s own right.   It is definitely geared for a mini-ltr not a 1st date connection.   Some of the back and forth isn’t very playful, and it’s more about hard screening.


Teasing gets a section here, and he doesn’t bring up the clichés.  This is low key one of the better sections of the book and shows that playful interesting side of Roosh and not so dogmatic and philosophical.

Chapter 8 – Sex

Lots of detail about “how” in this section.  Since this is a family blog, I don’t want to get too much into it.  This is one of those sections where thoughtful and vanilla advice can be taken out of context and used to smear him.  But from kissing to condoms, this goes from A to Z.

Chapter 9 – Relationships

I relate to Roosh on this.  I’m too old to out in these streets to be honest.  Screening only takes you so far, so Roosh talks about getting the girl on the same page as you, as opposed to you getting on her page. There is a leadership theme throughout the book and it is most evident here.  Again a must read section of the book.

Chapter 10 – Conclusion

He has some advice on how to diagnose your game issues and the “good girl”, but another theme in this book, coming from a man tired of the games that women play – he delves into sustainable game.

Rather than living on the game treadmill, new apps, new modalities every 5-6 months – he wants the reader to have sustainable game.  Notch count is no longer the goal, but building a skill set and having good experiences with less women is the key.

Appendices – Social Circle and Love Tourism

Social circle is what you would think it is, and I find it an odd inclusion.  Love Tourism is a distillation of his practical advice from his bang guides.

My Conclusion

Roosh is in a different place than he was back in 2007.  The world has changed.  He’s grown weary and wary.

It’s a good book, but you have to know what you’re getting into.  My ideas and experience about dating, as well as my politics diverge from Roosh’s, but I still think there is value in his work.  Especially if you’re of the Red Pill 2.0 persuasion.


How to Run Delusional Game

You guys know that I give props to anyone that’s out there doing it. I can usually find value in most guys kicking some pickup shit. (except Jordan Harbinger from Art of Charm – that dude is clueless)

I generally like Todd, but he’s a bit boring.

This particular set – the fucker is delusional.

So he is in NYC. (probably Manhattan, but that could be Brooklyn)

Talks to some random white chick (not the goodlooking Latina in the thumbnail).

She’s wearing high waisted pants – so either she’s hot a fuck and can ruin her figure by looking bad – or she’s just another basic bitch.  Her hair and outfit are not flattering, and the accent is not doing her any favors.  But maybe I just don’t have good taste in white wimmenz.

His opener is, “What are you doing in MY city?

This shit immediately goes south, because the chick is FROM NEW YORK.

If you’re from NYC – you’re not from New York – you’re from your specific neighborhood/or borough.  I’d say to chicks, FRANKLIN AVENUE POSSE BITCH!

Lemme explain this opener.

The idea behind these sort of “ownership” type opener is that you’re coming in at “higher value”.

“Oh, this guy is challenging me, he must be of “high value” – because most guys kiss my ass – therefore…”

^^That’s what these fuckers will tell you. Treat a chick lower than you – and you must be higher. This is actually worse than a neg – because you will make ROOKIE mistakes, like he did.

And this is one of the big problems with Mystery Method/RSD derived game – this idea of value. Like a guy of a certain “value” can just show that value and a bitch is intrigued.

Fuck no.

And that’s one of the advantages of being Black/Latino/Minority/Real Game Aware White Guy. We realize that our bosses, politicians, cops, anyone with actual power over our lives – their value is illusory.

“With a fake-ass badge and a gun in your hand. But take off the gun so you can see what’s up. And we’ll go at it, punk, and I’ma fuck you up!”

(That’s from Fuck the Police by NWA for you lurking white dudes.)

Indeed, if you’re lucky enough to have been brought up in a black neighborhood – you’ve seen the finest bitches get caught up in the most trifling shit. That phat ass gives her ZERO super powers. She can and will get fucked and FUCKED like anyone else. She can’t really tell a boss from a worker (or a square) just by talking to a dude. She thinks she can, but she can’t.

Back to value.

Your only “value” to a chick when you talk to her – is how you’re making her feel.

So Todd makes a transplant mistake in assuming the broad is a transplant too.  He is claiming true like he is from NYC.  This bitch would know him, because like I said above, regular degula white people aren’t a big part of the city proper.  Jews sure.  Eastern Europeans, hell yeah.  Italians, fuhgeddaboutit.   But mainstream white people?  Naw, B.

He just doesn’t have the social awareness to realize how much he fucked up.  He’s not in her tribe.


It’s his explanation of why his opener bombed so hard.

He keeps teaching his students that this isn’t a fuck up – and he says the girl is adapting to his frame.

She keeps talking to him, so in that respect he’s right it wasn’t that bad…, but she keeps shitting on Colorado – and he’s the one qualifying himself to HER.

But that’s literally not what he says/does in the video.  He says she’s qualifying to him.

He thinks that she’s adapting to him. In White Boy PUA – he’s actually demonstrated lower value by being from a less cool place. This is something that Brad P (best NYC player that put out a product) used to talk about when he toured with his band. Wherever they went, he was from NYC, and NYC is just fucking cooler than any place else. (it’s not, but anyone from NYC has this superiority complex, that you end up agreeing with them, just to shut them the fuck up)

To his credit – the shit blows over – but he’s DELUSIONAL.

So after he basically brushes off her shitting on Colorado, he tries to reframe the thing by saying if she comes out with him, she’ll have to go skiing.

He thinks that he’s making fun of her for not skiing.
When in fact, she’s saying the only thing even somewhat interesting about his cowtown was watching someone else ski.

..So they get on this winter sports thing, and she says he needs to have gold medals. Blah, blah, blah then “American Flag”

Todd isn’t aware that she’s still clowning him. She looks him up and down and is laughing at him. (Typical NYC bitch, probably from Upper West Side – because white people that grew up in NYC, if they’re not ethnic white – they’re from the rich part of Manhattan – generally speaking)

He’s misinterpreting her – but not on purpose.

The funny thing is – the bitch breaks @ 10:00 minutes in.

She breaks when he compliments her.

She admits to being mean, and HE LETS HER OFF THE HOOK by reframing it.

But then she asks him a “girlfriend” question about how she looks.

He actually has a good energy to keep going with this. He reframes this in his mind – and keeps going forward with the pull.

He then tools her  a bit, and cut to commercial.


It’s actually an interesting infield – because despite his misunderstanding the social context – it looks as though he CONVERTED the chick.  (or so the footage seems to show)

But why and how he converted her is completely a mystery to him.


The Creepy Girl

These past ten months have been nothing but overtime.  Had you asked me ten years ago where I thought I would be…

I’ve had lots of jobs, a few careers, but what I do for money is analysis.

What I do for fun? Analysis.

I read other people’s analysis.  I analyze analysis.

If I believed in Myers Briggs, my rating as INTJ is spot on.

Enter the creepy girl.

If you are a fellow white collar cubicle drone looking at a screen and discerning patterns that a computer can’t yet find (or your company is too dumb or cheap to use machine learning) – you will notice that some of your fellow worker ants are shall we say socially challenged.

In men, well you know the signs.

Talks too much.

Talks in too much detail

Talks about unrelated things.

Doesn’t detect social cues.

Hygiene.  Volume. Appearance.

The social rules for men, largely unspoken, too long, too many, too complicated to explain – are easy to spot.

What of women?

Enter the creepy girl.

Some chicks are just off.  Spot them chicks a mile away.  Usually on the street.(I would go red pill,and talk about the gender disparity of homeless men versus homeless women…)

Some chicks are attractive enough, that their “quirks” are tolerated.

This chick?

Huge open office, everyone at their terminals.

A girl, a woman actually, in very modest dress, think one of those Christian sects that you see on TV handling snakes.  Long ankle length skirt, most of her skin covered up.  Her hair is beset by bobby pins.

She walks in, she looks around, arms folded.  She seems to be looking for someone, something, but never finds it.

You would not notice her, except that she seems to do this every 2 to 3 hours, every day.

So creepiness is seeing someone that looks odd and has odd behavior.




From the Date Design Chapter

There are 6 Basic Options when it comes to the logistics of the date.
  1. You pick her up
  2. You meet someplace centrally located
  3. Meet closer to you
  4. Meet closer to her
  5. She picks you up
  6. She drives over, and you drive her to the location
An intermediate player immediately sees which options are better than others.  A veteran player sees all the positives in all of the options.
Let’s go through them.
1. You pick her up
This is the traditional option.  And if you’re new to the game – this is not a bad option.
This gives you basic control over her movements the entire time of the date  But it’s one of those things to be noticed, and not abused.  A guy with zero empathy and entirely narcissistic will drive a chick out to Timbuktu
And the girl is just trapped with some lame.
As we talked about earlier – the main event of the date – movies/dinner/art gallery/pit bull fight – that should take between 90-120 minutes.  If the distance between her place and the main event is more than say 30 minutes – you’re going to have to keep a good conversation going.
A guy with empathy, with a smidge of understanding of the human condition will keep the chick within city limits.
So a typical pick her up looks like
  • You drive over.
  • You send her a text/give her a call
  • You walk up to her place
  • Knock on the door.
  • Maybe step into the foyer.
  • Leave without going deeper into her home.
  • Walk her to the car.
  • Open her door.
  • See if she even feigns an attempt to open your door – though hardly an issue in the days of keyless entry
And then you’re off to the races.
On Stepping Into Her Place
Getting into her place is a big deal, both practically and symbolically.  Even if she only lets you in part way – you can get a good gander of what the chicks is really like
It better be clean.
It better smell nice.
If she’s Asian, check to see where shoes are. (If they’re not right there at the doorway, make a mental note)
Undisclosed pets (if the dog doesn’t like you, that could be a problem)

The woman goes, “Well, we don’t know if Einstein will like you.”

“Well, can I meet with Einstein?”

“Yes, we’ll bring him to your house, but if he doesn’t like you, he can’t stay. We have to have good homes for these dogs.” She sounded very serious.

Okay. I have this really long driveway, and I open the gate for them, and I start to panic that Einstein is not going to like me. So I run into the kitchen, where I have these turkey meatballs, and I rub them all over my shoes.

High level game – where you don’t fall into the flow, where you don’t wish for the zone – where you actually use your brain – often requires a lot of problem solving.
The Social Default
The social default is that the man has his own place, and that he doesn’t enter hers just willy nilly.
With the pick up, and you have your own place – this isn’t something you HAVE to do.  But symbolically, entering her home is useful even still.
Getting In
Very formal chick – not possible to get into her house without a good reason.
Some chicks run late – and will let you pick them up, chill out for a hot second and then go.  This is nice. She is inviting you in.  Makes it easier to get back.
The threshold to her place is a big deal at the end of the night.
Overall, this is a pretty solid beginner plan.
2. Meet Someplace Central
For you city dwellers – the advantage to this is you can pick a place to meet that’s favorable, and the nearby places are favorable.
When I’m in NYC – I like to meet up at any given bar in East Village/West Village.  So a drink here, a drink there, and what do ya know, where back in Washington Heights in some 90% Dominican Tenement.
Malecon – Beginner’s level Dominican Food. Get the Mofongo de Camarones en Salsa Verde
So if you have to do a movie or a dinner, you know ahead of time
What is around you
Where to transition to from dinner
If the date is good, you don’t want it to end anywhere other than at your place, sharing a box of brownies.
[Ed – So this is what the book sounds like.  I’m wondering if I should put out a free underground version with the pictures and links, and then Amazon version that’s less likely to get my sued, lol]
– Archie

Modern Game Tenets
There is Game, a science practiced by the pimps, the macks, and the hustler.   I touch on that, but I’m no expert.  Better check for Rosebudd or Pimpin Ken if you want Game with a capital letter G.
Then there was the pick up era of the late 90’s to early/mid 00’s.   For the most part it was geeks that used the scientific method and freaks that would obsess about practical applications of applied psychology.
The “golden age” of the “community” was about thinking of new techniques, going out and testing them, and then reporting back results.  Things that people remember from that era were “peer reviewed”.  Negs and peacocking come to mind, but to me the most important thing was that the masterminds were 1) A standup comedian and 2) A magician.    Having a pile of jokes or a stack of tricks – things that you memorized the words and the delivery – that ALWAYS got emotional reactions from people.    The one currently disputed thing that those guys tested was that looks don’t matter, behavior does.
After getting exposed, the community went through a few iterations
– No more canned routines, everything was improvised
– A focus on charging up a girl’s emotional state, by you being charged up (the law of emotional transference)
– The Red Pill 2.0 – Looks matter, money matters, “Do you even lift Bro?”,  and feminism is evil. (and once you indict feminism, well everything else around it becomes fair game)
So what does Contemporary Game look like?
What can we learn from the various eras?
Modern game
– Lift and eat right. In the West where fat people vastly outnumber people with a healthy BMI – you’re killing the competition.
– Run a big score business (sales, crypto, investing – where you put in a decent amount of work and get paid in bundles, not by the hour) or a passive income business (physical products, e-products, services – laptop stuff).  This makes you time rich, future proof, and resilient to online witch hunts.
– Develop your personal look/brand style.  Maybe you want to look like a 1% motorcycle club member, or uptown baller, or a musician – go all the way.
– Always adapt to modern technology
– Social media game – carefully curated online existence that is for pleasure and for work.  You want to draw people in that know you in real life, that barely know you, and that don’t know you at all.
– Day game is a part of your daily life.  Socializing is a part of your daily life.  Where guys would focus on night game, the move is to now actually go out and trawl for women during the day.
– Dating site game – dating sites are manageable, provided you use the right ones, the right way.  And this means photo composition, photo quality, correct sequences of in-app messages, get her phone #, and more messages to finally get her out.
– Night game – in your hometown is not pure cold approach anymore but cold approach where you get the bang and the follower, or just the follower.   Waste nothing.
– One on one game, or group game, you have both an endless bag of ice breakers and party tricks, but you also are deeply centered.  Not detached, but experienced, and seeing through the games that people play.  Experience in field, but also from family, friends, relationships, meditation, religion, hobbies that improve you.
– Notch counts, special missions, are fun, but they will bore you.  A real and rich social life, where sex is one of many pleasures available.
I still think it goes back to night game and pulling chicks in real life, and that face to face skills are the key – but they’re no longer the only key.

Advanced Game – Fred Rogers

“Rogers was extraordinarily good at imagining where children’s minds might go. “

I’ve been neglecting the site, not really adding much to the thread, and sharpening my book by dealing with the hordes of incels and autistics at Reddit.

It’s useful to me because it’s hard for me to know what I know when I talk to cats that are further along.

There is baseline socialization.  You have parents that love you, a few friends, you’ve gone through school, can hold a job, etc.  You have probably had a date, a girlfriend, but not necessarily.

What baseline socialization teaches you about connecting with women is that you need to look good and have resources.  I say this all the time, but it always bears repeating – the Pick Up Gurus of the 90’s and 00’s – realized that looking good and having resources was not important to making that connection.

They observed guys that looked good and had resources, but no women.

Some of them looked good and had resources, not no women.

Those that didn’t have looks or money, went out and got looks and money, but the pattern was the same – no women.

I’m going to throw some mythology onto the development of the original pick up – they backwards engineered what cools guys were DOING.  And it turns out that behavior was the thing that really attracted women and lead to those connections.

Technically, it was a bunch of guys doing the scientific method with applied psychology – sometimes they replicated what cool guys did, other times they came up with things that no legitimately cool guy would do – and it still worked – Palm Reading for instance.

But we saw what pick up did

  • Style was still neurotic, and he chronicles that in The Truth
  • Mystery got taken out by what we could call nowadays hypergamy.
  • Tyler, who may or may not be autistic, basically had to reinvent himself.  And he’s since gone on to have to deal with some issues of his own creation.

That’s life.

I’ve been doing this way too long, and I don’t have all of the background and history 100% correct – but I can tell you that what these boys been talking about has never been Game, with a capital G.

Chances are if you’re a Black American, you’ve been exposed to a lot of game, but very little pickup.  Few of us have ever seen a real live pimp pull a square chick into his web, or seen a hustler convince folks at the salon that the Tide detergent fell off a truck.

I’ve only been privy to that on happenstance.  I could have easily been in another place those particular moments to see some real persuasion going down.

But as I got older and wiser, reading Pimp’s in their own words, reading about psychology, advertising, marketing, history, coaching, teaching, psychotherapy, confidence games…  it became very apparent to me what actual game was – and how some of it seeped it Pick Up, on the low.

My man Fred Rogers was a pimp at the HIGHEST LEVEL.

So when a pickup artist sees a chick at the bar, the sequence is simple.

Get her attention

First words to start that conversation.  Next set of words to make the conversation fun and interesting.  And the final set of words are meant to start banter.

From a deeper level – she may be startled or annoyed or indifferent.  He addresses that early on.  Then as she gets out of that emotional state, he captures her curiosity.  From there, he goes from neutral fun to chat, to one that is man to woman.   And the way I think about pick up, this isn’t discrete moments moving along in a linear fashion, but levels of degree throughout the first part of the pull.

Things written about the game tend to be of the “what to say” and “how to say it” mindset.  But the more you do it, “Why to say it” and “When to say it” end up being the difference between some bullshit on the page, and a chick admiring your book collection at your place.

As you get better though, shifting back to “What to say” becomes more important, because you can set things up with more finesse.

A player only does that after a bit of success, and the desire to refine.

Here’s the rules that Fred came up with.

  1. “State the idea you wish to express as clearly as possible, and in terms preschoolers can understand.” Example: It is dangerous to play in the street. ​​​​​​
  2. “Rephrase in a positive manner,” as in It is good to play where it is safe.
  3. “Rephrase the idea, bearing in mind that preschoolers cannot yet make subtle distinctions and need to be redirected to authorities they trust.” As in, “Ask your parents where it is safe to play.”
  4. “Rephrase your idea to eliminate all elements that could be considered prescriptive, directive, or instructive.” In the example, that’d mean getting rid of “ask”: Your parents will tell you where it is safe to play.
  5. “Rephrase any element that suggests certainty.” That’d be “will”: Your parents can tell you where it is safe to play.
  6. “Rephrase your idea to eliminate any element that may not apply to all children.” Not all children know their parents, so: Your favorite grown-ups can tell you where it is safe to play.
  7. “Add a simple motivational idea that gives preschoolers a reason to follow your advice.” Perhaps: Your favorite grown-ups can tell you where it is safe to play. It is good to listen to them.
  8. “Rephrase your new statement, repeating the first step.” “Good” represents a value judgment, so: Your favorite grown-ups can tell you where it is safe to play. It is important to try to listen to them.
  9. “Rephrase your idea a final time, relating it to some phase of development a preschooler can understand.” Maybe: Your favorite grown-ups can tell you where it is safe to play. It is important to try to listen to them, and listening is an important part of growing.

It goes back to Fred getting in the head of the children he was trying to teach.

I wouldn’t “find and replace” children with women in this case – but I would take this mindset of figuring out how Ms. Ombre Hair and Septum Ring with the Long Legs – approaches the world.

Which brings us back to the Game with a Capital G.  One of the more interesting things I’ve learned about Gentlemen of Leisure – is that the actual process of getting more money out of a customer is something he doesn’t teach.  He doesn’t problem solve for the girl – that puts him in her service.  His main chick is the one that does the problem solving when trying to explain the nuts and bolts to the other women in his employ. (Reminds me of work, lol)

That’s cool and all, but the level of abstraction up, is him thinking through his worker’s mindset and his own duties.  If he solves her problems, she will rely on him to do so.  If I gotta do your work and my work, my work suffers.

Shout to my man Fred.

Not all players wear gators

Beach Game Basics

The Short Story of Beach Game

  • Bulk during the cold months and cut during the warm months.
  • Dress Right
  • Walking to and from the Beach you have opportunities
  • Boardwalk opportunities
  • Sand opportunities
  • Water Opportunities
  • Have a damn plan to get them to someplace with some food, music, drinks, and fun.\

The Long Story


Summer time is here.  We were talking about this on the thread

Hopefully all of your working out in the cold months have paid off.  Now’s the time to cash in.

For me, game always divides into 2 big areas

  1. Looks
  2. Behavior

In 2018, the importance of looks (and extending the visuals to lifestyle game and Instagram game, and Fame Game) is now in the driver’s seat. The original field tested information about muscles and money failing to seal deals has been long forgotten.  It’s been known for a long time – that your behavior is really what drives the interaction – and getting control of your behavior in all aspects is what takes you from incel in the basement reading 4Chan to President of the United States.

Guys are out there taking testosterone and steroids to reach some sort of physical aesthetic that makes the girls fall in love and lust with them on sight.  These macho men, “alphas” are basically employing a feminine strategy – where looks are all that matters – but they’ll hang themselves before they admit to that.

Well, it’s summer time, folks are hitting the beaches and the pools – and this is where ‘Fitness’ actually reigns supreme.

The Game is primarily played at night clubs and bars, around town during the day as you work, school, and shop.  The 6 Pack Crew generally looks skinny in these situations.  To really broadcast the “I work out thus I am a good genetic bet for your future children” is to get “jacked”.  Jack3d is the body builder wearing a suit where his biceps are DEFINED.

It’s such a weird concept that I had to double up on the street fighter references, because actual body builders in suits look like this.

So in the regular world – guys that are jacked look fat, and guys with 6 pack look skinny.  In the game context, guys that do work out generally have to wear very fitted clothing that SUGGEST how virile they are.  Too tight, and you end up looking my man in Flubber.

But Summer.

Pool Parties are not the typical game venue. (Unless your in Vegas, and being jacked AND having a 6 pack is the price of admission – if you want to play the looks game)

On the Beach though?

Anyone can go.  Chicks and dudes are dressed appropriately.  The sun makes people do funny things…


Now, I’ve done my dirt on South Beach and at Coney Island.

My physique isn’t South Beach ready.  Them Russians and Puerto Ricans @ Coney Island were more than okay with less than perfection.  Miami? It’s literally the same set of people – Caribbean based Latinas and others, and Euro Trash.  But the expectations are WAY HIGHER.

Take a good honest look at yourself.  Do you look great naked?

Beach Game has a huge visual component, and if you put yourself in that zone – you gotta be able to deliver.   Cause you’re not talking to some fatty now are you?

You can get away with charming her in the club, but with everything out on display at the beach – you need ROCK SOLID confidence.

Confidence comes from COMPETENCE, so all them hours at the gym need to be overshadowed by all the you’ve spent over the cold months rapping to chicks.

Go forth my friends!


Spectrum players and Tall Tales

This is one is about a woman learning to play the game.  Instead of sex, she’s making money off of guys.  The fact that she’s autistic – means that she has to break down all of ways people communicate – verbally and nonverbally

Some choice quotes

I struggled to read people’s emotions through cues like facial expressions, postures, and tone of voice in real time. I processed events after the fact with tenuous evaluation, like peeling off layers of old wallpaper

Facial expressions, body language, and eye contact are the bones of communication and it’s quite difficult to build and maintain relationships without the ability to read them.

And for my tech dudes – why you should make your DHV really DHV

Exaggerating when retelling previous experiences fosters relational closeness

Participants reported feeling closer to the confederate when exaggerations were included, even when they knew the facts the storyteller was retelling. Discussion centers on reasons why being entertaining was more beneficial in creating relationship closeness than being honest.
