The Creepy Girl

These past ten months have been nothing but overtime.  Had you asked me ten years ago where I thought I would be…

I’ve had lots of jobs, a few careers, but what I do for money is analysis.

What I do for fun? Analysis.

I read other people’s analysis.  I analyze analysis.

If I believed in Myers Briggs, my rating as INTJ is spot on.

Enter the creepy girl.

If you are a fellow white collar cubicle drone looking at a screen and discerning patterns that a computer can’t yet find (or your company is too dumb or cheap to use machine learning) – you will notice that some of your fellow worker ants are shall we say socially challenged.

In men, well you know the signs.

Talks too much.

Talks in too much detail

Talks about unrelated things.

Doesn’t detect social cues.

Hygiene.  Volume. Appearance.

The social rules for men, largely unspoken, too long, too many, too complicated to explain – are easy to spot.

What of women?

Enter the creepy girl.

Some chicks are just off.  Spot them chicks a mile away.  Usually on the street.(I would go red pill,and talk about the gender disparity of homeless men versus homeless women…)

Some chicks are attractive enough, that their “quirks” are tolerated.

This chick?

Huge open office, everyone at their terminals.

A girl, a woman actually, in very modest dress, think one of those Christian sects that you see on TV handling snakes.  Long ankle length skirt, most of her skin covered up.  Her hair is beset by bobby pins.

She walks in, she looks around, arms folded.  She seems to be looking for someone, something, but never finds it.

You would not notice her, except that she seems to do this every 2 to 3 hours, every day.

So creepiness is seeing someone that looks odd and has odd behavior.
