May 19th

This is a day that I usually take off.  A day of atonement.

Just last week?  Wrapped up another podcast with the 2 Youts Tryin’ a Ting, the brethen Moma and Rudebwoy.  Can’t wait for it to drop and get some feedback.

Moma asked some tough questions.

Game vs Sales – A guy that is good at all kinds of sales, getting strangers to buy things that they don’t need – should be good at pulling chicks.

What I know about sales, having done sales, and having met a # of sales people – they don’t tend to be the same sort of guys that really understand women, women’s behavior, and the seduction process.

Let’s consider this guy

Without a doubt, B has inspired millions.  Were he so inclined, he could point at a chick and it’s basically over.

Who can forget this shot?

As a political leader, man in the spotlight, supreme Alpha for 8 years, his game was so far advanced, understanding of human nature….

But there’s a story about a young Obama, talking to a crowd of political types.  He had them so whipped up.  Some random chick invites herself to his hotel room and she tries to seduce him.  But Barry is a boy scout.

So even though he has the skills – it’s more than just skills.

That’s how I generally feel about good salesman.  Just because you can create a buying mood situation – doesn’t mean you can do it with a woman.  Understanding the bigger picture is a key part of doing what it necessary.

The other big question that they asked was about the end game.

I’m in my 40’s.  I don’t find pulling chicks particularly difficult.  The basic sequence will always be the same, even when you change mediums from offline to online.  You have to get her attention, You have to attract her, She has to chase you.  Once that’s accomplished, it’s just working out logistics.

But having been through too many women of all kinds to count – what is MY end game?

That’s a deeper question.  I’ve definitely had my fair share of long term relationships.  I basically learned a lot about myself and women in general, just by dealing with one woman for an extended period of time.

The basic rule is that your game is strongest when you aren’t invested in any one girl.  And what that means is that girls try much harder to please you, to bring you into their orbit, if you have more than a few options.  She doesn’t need to see you with other girls – your behavior with her, your “nonchalance” breaks her pattern that she usually sees from guys.

But once she does meet your price, and you decided to throw in your lot wit hers – the dynamic changes.  Her power grows relative to yours.

That’s when the game breaks for me.

I’ve been with enough chicks at this point, where her behavior is far more important than what she looks like and the sex.

What’s she bringing to the table?

And that’s where I find myself.

I know what it takes to be in a relationship, and I ask myself, do I want to pay that price.  More often than not, I don’t.

5 thoughts on “May 19th”

  1. WIA, when you ask yourself what she brings to the table, are you asking what aspects of her behavior are appealing to you?

    Or are your moee interested in what she brings to the table as a potential mother?

    I feel like this is a question that one should be asking throughout the duration of an LTR — not only at the beginning.

    Being in my 20s, I’m still learning exactly what kind if woman I want in the bedroom. In this context, what you say rings true — her behavior, how she balances her submissiveness with some assertiveness, how she subtly changes her body to enhance both our pleasure…these intangibles are more important to me than how many IG Followers she can get.

    This behavioral compatibility fosters a dynamic relationship…more of a give and take. You make the majority of the decisions, but every so often she suggests an alternative. One that you actually like.

    What’s that called? Being considerate? Thoughtful?

  2. But once she does meet your price, and you decided to throw in your lot wit hers – the dynamic changes. Her power grows relative to yours.

    Archie… It’s not a zero sum dynamic. What do we know about Alpha? It is universally attractive to women. Most guys hook and then slooooowly dial back the Alpha that hooked her to begin with. The slide to betaization. why? They buy into the zero sum thinking, they “caught the bus”, they get lazy… they really are more beta and it ooozes out over time… reasons.

    However if you maintain your Alpha, by living a dynamic, Passionate and Authentic life – day in day out… It’s the perpetual motion engine… It’s our Male secret superpower. It will always keep her in your orbit.

    1. Again, I’m not disputing alpha.

      What I’m talking about is why do guys keep going back to the well.

      I’ve had lots of long term relationships before. It gets to be a slog.

      The OMGs haven’t put forth a red pill reason why they stay.

  3. Men who commit to a woman figure that she has committed to them in the same way. But women are different than men. Women figure that a man who commits will continue to give her the same emotional ride that she had when she first met him. But men figure that they have bought the cow and the cow should give milk…they shouldn’t have to keep buying it. This is the wrong view of women. Women are more like horses that eat emotions for energy…you have to keep feeding the horse emotions if you want to ride.

  4. Archie

    “The OMGs haven’t put forth a red pill reason why they stay”

    Not true. The simplest answer is “because they want to”.

    Doing what you want to do, when you want to do it is a powerful frame. I’ve dubbed it The Platinum Rule, juxtaposed against The Golden Rule. The Platinum Rule is freedom, the Golden Rule is slavery.

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