Sixty Percent Done Maybe

I haven’t been posting as much as I would like.  But this is where I am in terms of the book.  I have to rewrite a chapter on openers, because I lost it over a power outage, but that was only 12 pages.  It’s about ~700 pages in a word doc.

I’ve been distilling knowledge from the last 7 of the 8 years i’ve been online into the book.  I figure the rough draft shall be done by shortly and I’ll edit and refine.

Then I have to slim the book down so you guys can get the juice and some understanding, and just have the rest as additional volumes.


4 thoughts on “Sixty Percent Done Maybe”

  1. Hi Archie, aside from all the fundamentals, i hope you will touch upon the following in your book:

    – the ever evolving game landscape and how you should adapt your traditional game skillset accordingly, i.e. for this era of smartphones and social media. i don’t believe tinder is the only answer

    – advanced game tactics: only really ‘advanced’ ones i know of is

    1. devalidation stacking, which is a direct response to the changing game landscape i mentioned above.

    2. looping shittest: basically, you answer her shittest in such a way that it triggers another shittest which you then pass for a big attraction spike.

    also, i’d like to reiterate my request to see more infield breakdowns if you got the time!

  2. 60% is a lot closer.

    Encouraging news Arch.

    I wouldn’t mind 700 pages, but I get where you’re coming from with breaking it down for the current market/short attention spans. Keep at it.

  3. I look forward to reading it. Faith in ‘game’ across every single PUA site/blog etc I visit seems to be at an all time low!! Even many posters on rooshv who just a few years ago implied that looks don’t matter etc have really changed their tune in recent times and have changed their idea of what ‘game’ is actually capable of (basically banging girls who are already attracted instead of MAKING them attracted which is now considered impossible if she thinks you’re ugly and old for example lol), and I find it fascinating tbh! I’m not sure what to think!

  4. This will be great, Archie, conversing with you and being aware of your knowledge in the game means that this game will be one of the ages.

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