SMV in her own Words

I’m fairly new to FDS, so I was wondering how you ladies here would act in my situation. I’m 21 and in one of my classes in university there’s this really hot guy. He’s like 6’5, muscular/fit, tattoos, dresses well, takes care of himself and he’s extremely smart. I noticed his looks from the get go because every girl in the class was basically staring at him, but what I noticed more was his confidence when answering our professor’s questions and his ability to form an opinion which something a lot of young guys lack. He always respectfully shares his opinion and gives others a chance to speak and when our prof asks an obscure question he always knows the right answer. He’s pretty funny too (for a guy anyways, I don’t find men too be funny tbh) and we were in a group project together and we spoke a bit and I really do think he’s a high value male. Even though we’re young its important to me that the guy I’m dating isn’t broke and can take care of me to a degree, and I sense that he has some money (parents probably) because he drives a new mercedes and lives downtown by himself in a condo.

FDS – Female Dating Strategy.  – How to attract a “High Value Male” and retain him.  Basically the REAL Red Pill for women, not that fake bullshit you see Red Pill Pundits push on impressionable girls.   (aka Pick Me’s)

The order she lists is the order of her importance

  1. Facial Attractiveness – really hot guy
  2. Age – He’s in her class so he’s age appropriate
  3. Height – 6’5,
  4. Muscles – muscular/fit,
  5. Committed Physical Alterations – tattoos
  6. Clothing – dresses well
  7. Fitness – he takes care of himself
  8. Intelligence – he’s extremely smart.
  9. Preselection – “every girl in the class was basically staring at him”
  10. Leadership – He always respectfully shares his opinion and gives others a chance to speak
  11. Humor – “He’s pretty funny too (for a guy anyways, I don’t find men too be funny tbh)”
    1. Archie – Amy Schumer, Rebel Wilson, Melissa McCarthy
  12. Money – Even though we’re young its important to me that the guy I’m dating isn’t broke and can take care of me to a degree, and I sense that he has some money (parents probably) because he drives a new mercedes and lives downtown by himself in a condo.
  13. Racial Background – he’s half white and half south asian (I think Indian or bangladesh?) and said how his dad was born in like a hut in the village and came to Canada and has his own business as a developer. And that he’s super proud of how hard his dad has worked to provide. I can’t lie, I’m just a normal white girl and I knew nothing about india or bangladesh
    1. Archie – She’s telling on herself here.  Nobody calls her on it, because women can’t be racist.

How she describes herself

I’m very attractive 5’9, fit/curvy, brunette, I work out a lot.

I would focus on “curvy” as a euphemism, but whatever.

How she describes her attraction game. 

I dress up a lot for that class to get his attn and it works, I see his eyes glued to me and when he speaks to me he’s bumbling a tad sometimes.

Of these factors, the are only a few a man can’t control – Face, Age, Height, And Racial Background.  And the last one was the least important thing in her description of a high value man.

The smart guy would look at this list, and act accordingly.  It’s not coincidental that this college girl in the prime of her life isn’t concerned with his bankroll.  For my younger dudes – remember – YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU, NOT TO IMPRESS HER.  Older dudes get it.

FDS is probably the one source of unbiased information about actual female dating strategy.


8 thoughts on “SMV in her own Words”

  1. Great breakdown there Archie.

    I had a look at the FDS subreddit – what a good find.

    Also good to get some insights straight from the horse’s mouth that is the female mind.

  2. Good looks archie. Here’s a reply from a post on how to spot a man who is good in bed. Better than any redpill “game” tips I’ve ever seen.

    I’ve been with a few. Don’t know if I can spot an expert in the wild, but current partner is brilliant in bed and the others, not so. I have thought about this a bit before because I “just knew” he would be good, but didn’t know how to put my finger on it, so I’ll try.

    Buildup, anticipation, and non-verbal checking for consent

    If I can see it coming, I can react. When he moved in for a kiss the first time, he moved slowly, giving me a chance to move away if I wanted to. Same with touching, and any new ground. He didn’t have to ask specifically. If I didn’t want to kiss him, I could’ve moved away without too much awkwardness, or just hugged him, etc.


    If he steps toward me and I back off or freeze, he doesn’t come closer. A man that knows how to read a room will know how to read your signals. If I’m giving invitational vibes, leaning towards him, bumping hands, touching his arm, and he doesn’t get it, he’s probably not gonna get most bedroom cues without you having to spell it out for him.

    Eye contact

    Is he looking into your eyes when he communicates with you? How much? Is it an unyielding death stare, or a comfortable amount, ie. glancing away occasionally when he’s thinking or musing? Does he read your expressions correctly, or ask about them if he can’t quite tell? How much are you getting across to him?

    Fuck yes or no

    A man who can accept a no is a man who knows the value of yes. My partner and I planned the first time we were gonna have sex. Yes, planned. He told me that he didn’t want either of us doing anything we didn’t want to, and that I was free to say no to anything at any point at all, with no pressure. He even downloaded Moana on his laptop and brought it along “so we have something to watch if we don’t feel like doing anything sexual”. It was the cutest, and also the sweetest thing.


    If you’re kissing or making out, where does he touch? How does he show his affection? Does he start going for your boobs and ass really quickly, or does he make the most boring parts of your body feel like they’re dripping with lust? My partner can run his fingertips over my arm and my ovaries explode. Forehead kisses. Cupping your face (some people don’t like this but I do, hell yeah). Collarbones. Holy god. If a man has zero imagination about what would make you feel good without venturing into the hot zones, he’s gonna be a shit, unimaginative lover.

    Lead and be led

    The other comment about a person being like a mountain was pretty accurate. I once pulled my partner out of the way of a… large bug that was headed to him. This was before we even began dating, and he looked really shocked when I grabbed his arm suddenly, but allowed himself to be pulled out of the way. Trust, and a certain willingness to be led, is something that’s worked for us in the bedroom. If I want to try a new position or I want him to do something for me, it’s easy to sorta guide him where I need him to go. And he does the same for me, so it all feels very… fluid? That’s not to say that we don’t have to be like “put your leg over there” once in a while lol.

    Body awareness, general posture, fitness

    Does he kick you under the table by accident constantly? What’s his posture like? Is he a chronic manspreader? A man that is considerate and intelligent enough to stand straight and arrange himself around you in a way that isn’t intimidating or uncomfortable or a turn off, is a man with the awareness to tell much space he takes up, and how that space affects you. (My partner still occasionally kicks me under the table. But he’s otherwise awesome. Also he absolutely can’t dance, or so he claims).

    There, edited some more points in.

  3. Chris Farley picks up chicks at the mall. It’s a goof but I did learn a few things things. One was a line, which I’ve used and it gets a laugh.

    “This body is built for pleasure” although I think it would be even more hilarious if I was fat/out of shape and a guy was trying to among me.

    The second thing was his pickup on the chick with the orange. She was aentertaining it. She let’s him grab her at the end and doesnt pull away.
    -having her peel the orange is an investment on her part plus a “us working together” frame. I would probably never use this exact gimmick but it’s a good reminder to illicit investment from a chick.
    -at the end he starts singing to her and it allows him to be able to pull her closer.

  4. Back on topic.

    It can be difficult separating the wheat from the chaff on FDS but this one is an amazing post. I’m working this into a routine to use on beautiful women to break the defensive shell and allow her to view me as someone with intense insights into her world.

    I know this is PUA cliche but this is a reminder that we need to give women a very specific reason why we like them OTHER THAN looks. An average to cute woman will be fine with “he thinks I’m beautiful *Swoon*” but a beautiful woman needs a reason on an intellectual justification level why you like her. Gunwitch calls this the social frame. It is her conscious mind deciding it is okay to like you. GW throws a little shade at the idea of “attraction isn’t a choice”.

    A beautiful woman HAS to say in her mind “wow this guy actually likes me for *XYZ* not just my looks* The reason doesn’t matter, all that matters is a reason is given.

    “wow, you’re a very deep person. I like that you’re so easy to talk to and its like you understand exactly what I’m saying. It’s rare I meet a woman that I can just talk to like this. I think you’re special”

    in regards to the routine,

    once you have the woman opened and talking to you but maybe not completely hooked yet;

    “I get this feeling about you, its very interesting”
    *make her ask “what” to get investment so she values what you have to say, almost as if shes asking for your opinion*
    “I dont know, its strange, its like I feel this wall around you. Almost like a protective shield. I bet a lot of people see it as you thinking you’re better or more superior than them but I don’t think that’s correct. It’s almost like you’ve been hurt and let down by so many different people, men and women, that you put up this shield to protect yourself. Like you have a hard time trusting people anymore. Its like women try to be nice to you but really its fake. When you were younger you probably thought they were genuinely nice but as you got older you realized they only do it so they can try to bring you down because they think you are better than them. Its like they think you live this super easy life with no struggles so something inside them wants to bring you down so they can feel better about themselves. and with men its like they pretend they like you but you can see right through it and realize they only like you because they think you’re beautiful and they try to use you in order to satisfy their own ego. It’s almost like “you” don’t exist to them. They just see your body, or see you as an object they want. and maybe you gave it to them either because you thought its what you wanted at the time or you wanted to make them feel good so they would give you validation. but then you find out they only wanted your body or your looks and it had nothing to do with you. Maybe they even went and bragged about it to all their friends and it made you feel horrible. Anyway, like I said, it just seems like you have this protective shield up and I’m sure you have your reasons for it but you seem like the type of girl that once you let your guards down you are like everyone’s best friend but its just difficult for you to let your guard down the first time and maybe you miss out on connecting with really awesome people.”

    I’ve realized that if you can describe a persons experiences they will have an intense connection to you. I remember Linux (from RVF) had this movie he loved. It was a war movie (I believe he was in the Iraq war) and the reason he loved and connected with it was because of how accurate it described his experiences. He posted this one scene in particular which had significant meaning to him. The scene was two men talking about the war and it goes something like “We aren’t fighting for our country, we aren’t fighting for our commanders, we are fighting for the guy in the foxhole next to us.” and that quote resonated with him so deeply, meaning that is EXACTLY HOW HE FELT and experienced war, that he remembered that one little scene from a 2 hour movie years later.

    That is what we are trying to do with women. Explain their experiences to them and you will connect with them like no one else has before.

  5. Damn tr1cky, thanks for sharing. I met a woman a few nights ago that I probably could have used this on and had some of bomb ego sex. that girl was sexy and she knew it.

    i’m still thinking about her, despite the fact that I pulled a different chick that night! that’s how bad she was

  6. “Of these factors, the are only a few a man can’t control – Face, Age, Height, And Racial Background. And the last one was the least important thing in her description of a high value man.”

    Yes, but the other 3 she lists as the most important – literally top 3.
    How could a short guy with sub 5/10 face, fuck her ?
    She just confirmed the black pill that the most important factors in a man’s attractiveness are genetic ( height, face, etc ).

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