Sympathy for the Devils?

Dude is a great storyteller.  There’s a lot of technical things you can draw from the presentation that you can modify and use in the real world on people you interact with.

But the TL DR for the first part.

    • Guy gets popular (youtube? music?  I have no idea)
    • He smashes a lot of females
    • He gets sick
    • He can’t bang no more, but girls still want to come deal with him.  Just be around him.
    • He realizes that the people in his life when he was healthy, he doesn’t really notice
    • He notices girls
    • In the past, bangs em, sleep over, kick em out
    • Now that he can’t bang, he doesn’t really want them there
    • But he relents because chicks are persistent
    • He starts to talk to these broads, why are you here?  Why were you giving me the P?
    • The females say – I’m here because you don’t hit me.

This is one of those Andre3000 moments for him.  A girl says something to him and he is hit with the reality of it.

The chicks – “You cuddle with me.  You cook. You hold me.  You listen to me…”

Other dudes hit me,….

Not so fast Speedy Gonzalez.

So getting back to the multiple levels of Game here

      1. He ran his popularity game on the chicks to get them to come through.
      2. They are running their sympathy/truth game.
      3. And now he’s running his “narrative surprise” game on the audience.

We are supposed to feel something for these girls.

What the red pill teaches us AND what feminism teaches us, is that girls have AGENCY.

She can date and fuck whoever she wants.

That means she makes decisions to deal with certain dudes over other dudes.

If a guy was dealing with nothing but strippers, prostitutes, only fans chicks, and getting drained of his time, money, and effort – WHO’S FAULT IS THAT?

Are we supposed to feel sorry for the 70 year old pensioner who retires to the Philippines, marries a chick in her early 30’s, and then gets taken to the cleaners?

And then does it again at 80?


The rest of the video is actually pretty interesting as well, in that girls will deal with a lot of poor treatment to be with a guy that has “status”.  He talks about how he was lead into a life of chasing females and building a notch count for status within his male group of peers.  (the whole thing reeks of young men looking for social acceptance – which is something I understand, but have done without.  Because as Cube said, “Who are they to be equal to?”  Why do I want to join that group?…”

Back to the topic

So for the poor abused girl, she got the thug boyfriend she wanted.  And then she upgraded to a YouTube star, that was arguably a good boyfriend except for the cheating.  And they still want him, cheating and all.

What’s missing here?

Clearly these are the only choices for females.  Aggressive, Abusive hoodlums, and the rich and famous.

But the average dude that isn’t thug or has a million social media followers?

How come that guy is never an option?

Because he’s too boring.



6 thoughts on “Sympathy for the Devils?”

  1. It is pretty frightening how this guy has a serious health issue, it leads to a crisis of conscience of a sort, and the women immediately leverage his feelings of guilt to tell him how much better he would be if he just made changes one through ten.

    And of course once he made those changes they would all, to a woman, be perfectly content with him, right?

    Does anyone ever interrupt women when they complain about how badly they are being treated and ask them how many good men there are in their lives who would be happy to be their boyfriend, who they have passed on?

    Probably wouldn’t do any good.

    Thanks for linking to all these channels, they are exposing me to a corner of the internet I wouldn’t know about otherwise.

    1. It doesn’t ever register with them. When ever I hear a girl complain about “no one left to date” “only jerks” etc. I point out that she probably has like 10 orbiters, and guys who would treat them right. Never once registers.

  2. I have no simpathy for these females… They can die alone after they hit the wall. They fucked hard for that outcome.

  3. “Who’s fault” if a guy only messes with pros? His father. If my father had taken the time to explain his romantic history before he met mom, up through their split, and after I might have been spared reoccurring bouts of chasing after the same borderline personality chicks until I hit bottom and bounced into the red pill. I’m probably lucky that he stuck around at all, so I’m not going to cry too hard.

    Luckily I encountered some anti role model situations, and knew enough strippers and “escorts” to know not to go that route, and the kind of drama universe they inhabit. Hell, I still might spend my twilight years in a brothel just for the comedy when you’ve only got 5-10 years left anyway, what’s the difference? Or maybe I’ll go really loony and build a church or ashram or something haha.

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