Technique Matters

Focus Less On Pick Up Techniques And More On Building The Man
by inseduction

I see a lot of this in this most recent generation of PUA and Red Pill guys.  They are building themselves into generic “awesome” guys that “magically” get girls.

This is a tight rope.  The OG guys in the pick up game, prior to the Mystery Model revolution, ran the gamut from nerdy Ross Jeffries types to more standard cool guy/alpha types like Zan Perrion.  There was no need to work out, look good, make money, because the community figured out that those were not the real moving parts in any pull.  Guys had muscles and didn’t have girls. They had money and didn’t have girls.  They were funny and popular, good at socializing, but did not know how to use those things to get girls.

The scene did not blow up until technique came to the forefront.  Building off a general framework and timeline, allowed the scene to develop.  After those things were solidified, those existing elements elevated the game.


4 thoughts on “Technique Matters”

  1. It’s a much easier sell to tell guys go lift, hustle, dress… Than “go talk to girls”.

    That scares the shit out of them…

    Basically all that advice is a huge buffer. But hey guys can feel they are working at something.

  2. I dunno, I’ve always made an effort with my appearance, and always had a slight eccentricity. Shoes have always been my thing.

    But I’ve always done the clothes for me, not anyone else. In fact some of the stuff I’ve had has been ridiculed, and I just tend to flip the bird at that.

    I think being in good shape and well dressed does help, but the problem is like @Semtient says above and that’s where men are expecting results from that alone and it’s used as a buffer / excuse to not actually talk to gurlz.

    Off topic I was on the train last night to central London for drinks with old friend and there’s a young “couple” get on.

    About 20 y/o and caught my attention bc she was a solid 9 and he was good looking and massive tattoo across his neck and no shirt. Listening to them talk, he’s highly intelligent and seems to have his act together, but looks the opposite. He’s ignoring the rules, natural Alpha. He’s obv banging her. She’s all “little girly” with him.

    She chirps up: hey look at that my number of followers have just passed you’re.

    He doesn’t miss a beat and says: yeah they follow you bc the want to see your tits and arse, but they follow me bc they like my music.

    She doesn’t even quibble… even across the carriage I could feel her squirming in his presence.

    Dead pan matter of fact delivery and put down. I had a smirk to myself. Well done rude boy.

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