Ancient Chinese Secret

0:19 – 1:07

Parent to Girl Covering her ears

Don’t aim for a good looking boyfriend okay

The average looking one is fine

You should look for someone who likes you

Not someone you like 



2 thoughts on “Ancient Chinese Secret”

  1. WIA:

    Let’s gather our ingredients:

    – Women Looking to Marry Up & Out = Hypergamy
    – Parents saying marry someone = Endogamy
    – Decades Long One Child Policy = Demographic Ratio Imbalance in the Ten of Millions

    So we have:

    Hypergamy – Endogamy X One Child Policy

    = China’s first population drop in six decades sounds alarm on demographic crisis.


    So, to the Bible readers, how to benefit? Remember, we are ALWAYS looking to turn the tables, exploit, reverse or avoid.

    So far, I see three ways:

    1. If you’re a traveling missionary that uses Tinder, take advantage of the demographic imbalance and invade Hong Kong (HK). Bonus points if can find a few Chinse women that wear IUDs and have a great time reading about Mao together.

    2. Start a PUA Knowledge Academy focused China but preferably HK to take advantage of the “left over men.” If you go the mainland route with a physical presence, of course, you’re going to build a better beta here because actual seduction might get you hauled off.

    Super bonus points if you start a digital content academy that sells “best practices” guides, style guides, teacher-the teacher courses and certifications all cross translated, thereby allowing you to sell in English, Mandarin & Cantonese with ad hoc digital consulting on a ca$e-by-ca$e ba$i$. You could also host a membership only Discord/Nitro Server. Because of the open internet and English infiltration, I expect Hong Kong to be a major market for selling. Of course, you will accept crypto.

    (The Game is to be Sold….Archie, you’re a writer you can get your coins here homie. So feel free to delete or edit my comment if you sense you can make real money here. When you’re able to drop you book make sure you DON’T drop a Chinese version in your known pen name (gotta keep the Anglo Sphere PUAs in the dark.)

    See Supporting Links:



    British pickup artist targeting Asian women in Hong Kong defends videos, says ‘men should be free to be men’

    Archived Version:

    See especially: Chinese pickup artist locked up for sinister lessons in manipulation.

    Archived Version:

    3. Stay Out.


  2. Buddy married a woman from mainland China. Not going to diss the guy but he’s like 5’4″ and always had a rough time dating stateside. He’s American born Chinese.

    That woman is RUTHLESS with old boy. His wallet and ATM are on lockdown. He used to love fine dining, going out doing this and doing that. No more. He’s got no more outside friendships and all of his time is accounted for. If he tries going out, and she demands sex LOL. On the positive side he gets laid, she doesn’t cut him off she rules him through sex, and she’s obsessed with saving money. She might spend the money he makes, but she’s obsessed spending as little as possible.

    It’s rough to watch though. Trad pillers beware what you wish for.

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