Students who’ve turned my class into a dating service

I think Rollo would call this institutionalized feminism.

And in case it gets deleted, i’ll just cut and paste.

I’m a professor at a local university. I’m passionate about teaching, and am proud to teach 100-level science and mathematics courses to young and aspiring students.

Some senior engineering students created a sort of dating service/app, “How I Met My Future Wife” (not the actual name, but close enough). It advertises itself as a way for smart young guys to meet “potential marriage material”, by helping them social with “young, cultured, educated women”. It works by aggregating diversity data my university publishes. This data is intended to help make a case for having more women and minorities in STEM courses so that post-university, we have more diverse representation in the worlds of science, business, and engineering. These senior engineering students used it to create a database of courses that are statistically likely to have a large proportion of young women from certain cultural backgrounds.

The stated goal of the app is to produce a list of courses that would be easy for engineering majors to excel in effortlessly, where the majority of the class is young women that would not necessarily find the class easy. It basically puts engineering majors in a position to ingratiate themselves with a large pool of potential “mates”, and even guides users through getting reduced tuition or even taking the course for free (i.e. “auditing” a course; take it for free, but it doesn’t affect your GPA, so as to prevent students from gaming the system and boosting their GPAs with easy courses).

A number of 100-level science courses are having record levels of senior-level STEM students auditing these courses, and a number of female students have approached me, noting they are disgusted and uncomfortable with the amount of “leching” taking place (edit: there are no unwanted advances, but it’s painfully obvious to some students what’s taking place). It’s also demoralizing several of them, since we routinely have cases where a young man is leading open labs as if they’re a teacher themselves (in order to “wow” their female classmates, offer “private free tutoring sessions”, etc). Some of the young students in my class take up these offers, and this further demoralizes other female students seeing this happen (i.e. only attractive women being offered tutoring sessions). This is further compounded by the condescension involved (i.e. one self-admitted user of the app told me “this material that others struggle with is so easy for me, and I’m doing it for laughs and phone numbers.”).

How can I stop this?

People auditing the course don’t have to take the exams, or attend regularly. They can showboat in a course that’s easy for them at zero risk or cost to themselves. I have no means to kick people from the course, despite this obvious behavior, and the people abusing the course can basically come and go as they please.

The university administration refuses to even acknowledge the problem exists (mostly, to my knowledge, because they don’t want to admit fault or harm being caused by publishing such granular diversity reports), a few fellow profs either find it comical, or are happy that open labs are so full of volunteer tutors (perk to them, I guess). It seems that all parties are ignoring the young students I teach. I don’t know if there are any legal routes, and there’s no way I could do a public name-and-shame without jeopardizing my career. I’m at a total loss here.


I scheduled a morning meeting with a senior colleague who has helped me with hard problems in the past (sort of the “go to guy” when things get rough). My husband and I had a long serious talk with him, and it’s been made clear the university won’t help me with this, as it would mean a “black left eye” for them, and I’d be tossed to the wolves on the left and right. If I want to pursue this further, I have to be prepared to forfeit my career, credibility (i.e. be black-balled in industry), and face lawsuits and SLAPP attacks from the university. With our combined salaries, my husband and I are barely making ends meet. My only real recourse is to counsel my students, while hoping that the app eventually gets more unwanted attention. In short, the problem will have to “solve itself”, while numerous female students endure even more adversity in STEM by a program intended to help them.

I’m trying hard to contain my laughter.

3 thoughts on “Students who’ve turned my class into a dating service”

  1. WIA:


    This is very high level game.

    – Using the institution against itself (i.e., flip the buyer seller dynamic on a macro level – Check)

    – Display higher Status and utility (Take advantage of Hypergamy – Check)

    – Irritate Feminists (Check)

    Those dastardly engineers if nothing else are practical. Since they have a quantitative skill set, they effectively have a cartel.

    I have seen this before personally with an off-campus Statistics tutor that used to tutor the Business/ Econ majors. Dude had like a masters in math or something and would get invites to ALL the business school parties, plus he was making bank from both genders.

    As you know a smart Gamer would do the same, placing himself in environments where the ratios work, with Game (i.e. ability to hit attraction switches as the value exchanged), not explicit utility like these tutors.

    This is why photography Game is so effective. Chicks “need” those high-quality photos for their IG and by supplying that you have the opportunity, not guarantee to hit a few attraction switches. Obviously, Game first and photography as an adjunct.

    So, the final analysis look like this to me:

    Taking advantage of ratios to harvest numbers and have 1-on-1 encounters does not mean winning. The women are getting free 1-on-1 tutoring from a quant, and the quant gets to be within a few feet of an attractive young woman. So instead of Beta Buxx leading with their wallets, these men are leading with their quant skills.

    So then the final question from a Game perspective: does the guy get laid, paid or is he serving himself up on a silver platter to be her personal assistant?


  2. WIA:

    To answer my own question, the best and sustainable outcome is to get paid (in cash) first. Last thing you want to be is Quant Buxx.

    If these dudes had any Game on a college campus, they wouldn’t need to audit classes to meet the women. They would sign up for clubs, catch them at parties, the gym, and generally walking around.

    The “outrage” is that the quant students are using official virtue signaling diversity data and having the organs of the institution work for them. It’s not even about the individual women at this point, unless accusations are made later.


  3. WIA:

    Another professor took the other side of the trade a few years earlier:

    As a professor of philosophy at Boston College realized that the young people in her seminars and classes were not dating, but participating in the hook-up culture, she then realized that kids didn’t know how to date. She concluded to teach them the lost art by giving her students an unconventional extra-credit assignment: Go on a date utilizing courtship as the strategy fitted with her tactical rules. Her basis is that she believes the non-dating trend isn’t because young adults don’t want to date. Rather, they don’t know how to date properly.

    In this case the professor is trying in her own individual way to battle hook up culture on college campuses and reimplement the traditional dating script. I don’t think this professor has bad intentions, but a different value system, based on the fact she grew up in a very catholic family. She is trying to rewind the clock not to 2012 (when Tinder made its debut), but to 1312 when courtly love was utilized.

    The money quote: “At 52, Cronin is single and only occasionally dates.” Single, no kidding. Of course, never listen to what women say only what they do.

    Going back to the sub point of your main post of what an institution will allow. Of course, the university won’t say a word edge wise against this because the professor’s assignment fits into the plan of beta male indoctrination, but worse.

    Courtly Love was mentally devastating during medieval times and it is devastating now. The professor and any person running her algorithm will not have a “relationship problem,” but a “them” problem. If Courtly Love takes root mentally, it takes years to deprogram and then reprogram.

    You already know what to do as a Man: It’s never smart for man to follow a woman’s advice on dating/relationships, unless he is Game aware enough to separate the wheat from the chaff.

    Game is Life.

    Additional Informational links:

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