Around the Globe

I haven’t been this busy with work since Obama’s first term.

Anyway some quick shots.

What young, educated Chinese women want in a man today: a clingy “little puppy

“Refers to a man who is younger than his girlfriend, whose qualities in the eyes of his lover include being simple, naive, considerate, and caring—and most importantly, loyal and clingy, just like a pet.”


Battle of the Sciences.

Those who feel greater certainty that a prospective romantic partner reciprocates their interest will put more effort into seeing that person again, while rating the possible date as more sexually attractive than they would if they were less certain about the prospective date’s romantic intentions.


Women are more attracted to men when they are uncertain of his feelings, research finds.

So, the old dating advice about ‘playing hard-to-get’ may have some scientific basis.

It’s interesting to note that both tests involved “internet messages and profiles” as opposed to people going out and meeting folks.




One thought on “Around the Globe”

  1. I prefer personal experience over “science”.

    I pull when I feel her drifting and push when I sense that I am more invested than she is…it’s like controlling the flame on the oven, getting it to the right temperature…

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