The Power of Story

On the subject of persuasion, there’s a near-unanimous consensus among neuroscientists: Stories are the single best vehicle we have to transfer our ideas to one another. Stories trigger a release of neurochemicals that force us to pay attention to speakers, empathize with them, understand them, and get excited about their ideas. Humans not only crave stories, we need to hear them.

Players, preachers, pimps, and politicians have known for millennia that stories are powerful.  But triggering neurochemicals?


Speaking of narrative – young players out there understanding the power of narrative.

I could do a full TL DR, but basically give her a nickname during the initial # pull, and then reference/do call back humor during the text.


One thought on “The Power of Story”

  1. Makes me think about when someone is tellng a story, or beginning to, and they stumble on a word or sentence. You can feel the energy/interest drop – even if the content was good/engaging.

    Is that our brains coming out of sync? Interesting to think about.

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