Is the Male Gaze a Myth?

This is what I would consider conversation fodder during the attraction phase.

In feminist theory, the male gaze is the act of depicting women and the world, in the visual arts[1] and in literature,[2] from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as sexual objects for the pleasure of the male viewer.[3] In the visual and aesthetic presentations of narrative cinema, the male gaze has three perspectives: (i) that of the man behind the camera, (ii) that of the male characters within the film’s cinematic representations; and (iii) that of the spectator gazing at the image.[4][5]

Simply, men depict women as sex objects.

This currently the hottest song right now, featuring two of “top mcs” according to “the streets”

Call me a misogynist if you must, but I don’t see the typical hip hop head running to the interwebz to buy this material – especially not based off this video.

If females talking about sex sold rap music to dudes, these chicks would have blown up.

Hell if female empowerment sold records, these chicks would have been huge

For the non-hip hop heads out there, Hoes with Attitude and Bytches with Problems weren’t even one hit wonders, more like curiosities.  (Like the one white guy in Wu Tang)

That said, how do we use these “talking points” when we’re trying to chat chicks up in these times of plague.

The knee jerk reaction of a lot of rookies is to essentially interrogate chicks about these “contradictions”.  Many a would-be-player is ruled out by his willingness to “speak truth to power”.

What a man must recognize is that these ladies enjoy feeling sexy.

Anything that can facilitate “feeling sexy” is useful in the game.  Keep in mind, feeling sexy is much like the act of sex – it’s not about the pleasure of sex, but POWER.

“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.” – Oscar Wilde

When she’s putting her look together for the night, running to the dance floor to twerk to this

So my framework starts with recognizing WAP is about her feeling sexy, and her feeling sexy is essentially her POWER.  It’s her power to rule men and to gain resources.

Looking sexy is feeling sexy, but that’s feint for guys that can not control themselves.

Putting her in scenarios where she can feel sexy, and get attention for that, but otherwise has no type of obligation is piece of leverage.

It’s a shame that Weinstein never figured it out.

3 thoughts on “Is the Male Gaze a Myth?”

  1. “Male gaze” is one of those things that 20-something girls can get all worked up about in college and afterwards. Then when they are in their 40’s and few or no men gaze at them anymore, they suddenly start to miss it.

    Aging feminists rant about it because they can’t get it any more.

    Simply, men depict women as sex objects.

    Well, yeah, and women depict men as success objects. So what?

    Nothing new there, and Sentient already said the other obviousness. Could go all evo-psych but pretty sure everyone already knows that stuff.

    Putting her in scenarios where she can feel sexy, and get attention for that, but otherwise has no type of obligation is piece of leverage.

    The game is the game is the game. Yes, indeed.

  2. @AR

    I knew some women once who thought it was cool to hang out in ghey clubs and bars bc they are (we’re) kicking and cool.

    But then after a bit they got really pissed off bc they were surrounded by all these good looking men who were ignoring them. (Ghey men can get really pissed off with groups of straight women “sightseeing” on their turf).

    So the girls left in a huff and went to a normal bar

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