Most Swiped Instagram Dude?

Fox News is running this story about the most swiped instagram dude.

This is his social media.

This is his chick.

I’m not hating.  She’s really attractive to me.  I might even go a bit more on the exaggerated hour glass, but that wouldn’t be socially acceptable.  Reminds me a bit of Barbie Sins. (don’t google her from work)

Here are his tips.

1. Your first photo must feature a brightly colored background

2. Include at least one sexy holiday photo in your selection of six

3. Make sure you’re doing something different in each of your photos – while looking candid

4. Be active on the app at 2pm on a Sunday

5. Swipe for new matches after 10.30pm on a weeknight

#1 is some smart game, I think that’s something guys should be doing as part of their split testing when it comes to profiles.

#2 is obvious – travel and showing the body you’ve been working on.

#3 gets back to the old concept of “time dilation”.  Take the girl a lot of places in the club, a lot of places during the night, a lot of places during a date, and interact with others – and she feels that she knows you better than she actually does.  Arguably, the trust is building because you’re acting cool and normal with 3rd parties, and it’s not an act that you put on for her. (no, the act is for everybody, lol)

#4 and #5 go into thinking about the woman that you’re trying to get at.  What’s going on in her brain, in her life.  This is how you plan and time your texts.


4 thoughts on “Most Swiped Instagram Dude?”

  1. Black guy game very effective in reality. All the propaganda in the form of “data” from dating sites mislead people into thinking white boys got it easiest.

    2018’s Red Pill Champion Andrew ‘Cobra’ Tate is half black and what he teaches guys is based on his success with Instagram.

    Tyson Beckford

    List goes on.

    1. Yup. My man Master Teacher shows how ridiculously undervalued black men are in the States wrt online dating. But even over here, we do fine.

      The thing I most like about his channel – he’s not a PUA, Game master. He’s not some jock with massive muscles. He’s just a professional black man. That’s it.

  2. Oh man I thought you had stopped posting. Glad to see that’s not the case.

    Don’t have much to add regarding online game, it’s not my forte. I get matches but they don’t really convert to meetups. And I live in the party area too, so I guess I’m repelling them in some way? They all sound enthusiastic and shit but then never actually meet up. Although I’ve also flaked on a number of girls, so I guess it’s karma…

    I match with cuter girls on Hinge than Bumble and Tinder for what it’s worth. No instagram for me, not into the mechanics of it. Would rather amass real-life following (a cult? lol) than following random strangers I meet at the club or at house parties. it’s so weird when you meet someone, guy or girl, there clearly isn’t a connection, but they still ask for the instagram handle anyway…and then I’m the ‘weird’ on for refusing such a superficial connection! Or rather i’m the weird one for not having an instagram account.

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