The Table

Yes, I must.

So Fresh, of the Fresh and Fit, has his own separate channel where he “lifestyle vlogs”

If you’ve ever seen Fresh and Fit, they’re like a Rollo Tomassi/Kevin Samuels for the Instagram generation.

For the most part, I think I’ve said this before – I generally don’t agree with Fresh, but I respect him.  But we old heads over here, so whenever these young guns start rapping, we should remember..

So the F&F game is tied to the new reality of instagram, lifestyle design, and basically the new reality.  It’s a bitter pill to swallow for guys like us who like to talk to chicks in person.

Fresh’s personal blog is the personification of their style.

He has the cars.

He wears the watches.

And his lifestyle speaks for him.

Is it all smoke and mirrors?  I dunno.

They (the haters in our camp, not just mainstreamers who don’t care or feminists looking to derail us) said the same thing about Mystery, Style, RSD, and pretty much everyone in this space.

Which bring us to this video.

Let’s start at the ground level.

The average millionaire is a 50 year old white guy, happily married – probably to a woman that he met in high school, church, or college, and owns a small business.   Might be a pool chemicals supply guy, a plumber, a dentist, occasionally a lawyer, banker, or STEM guy that’s good at saving and investing.

On the F&F Podcast, they ask some random chick that wants to date a multi-millionaire  what she brings to the table.

  • 70K in dollars
  • Loyalty
  • She likes girls too (implying she’s down for some extracurriculars)

So Fresh has this young lady respond to what the girl in the video said.

You don’t really need to listen to all of it, but she basically dismantles all of the girls points.  Basically Fresh’s mouthpiece in Asian form.

Asian shorty says

  • Men with money don’t care about or want a woman’s money
  • Loyalty is expected like breathing
  • Even if you don’t like girls, you’re gonna do it with him, because you love him.

These are both Miami chicks

Let’s contrast these two young ladies with this MARRIED couple from California.

They met in college.  Got good jobs.  His dream was retire before 40, and she was the planner and executer.

Together, they made it happen.

Now they’re taking family surf lessons with their daughters in Portugal and living off of investment income before 40.

Now, I wouldn’t call this couple anything close to Hollywood Royalty, but they made a beautiful life together, with their family.

This what a lady should be bringing to the table, not something as silly as her earnings or a willingness to “dine at the Y”


4 thoughts on “The Table”

  1. Hey Archie

    *The average millionaire is a 50 year old white guy, happily married*

    Firstly of my entire social circle, a lot are millionaires and I don’t know one that’s over 40 and still banging his wife. Most are over weight, in separate rooms, and haven’t played hide the banana (not with the wife anyway) since Noah was in shorts.

    The rest is half right, I’m a 53 y/o white guy and on paper it’s over £1M. And I did it the same way the Couple above did it. Where I live there are more Asian millionaires now, and I gotta be honest it’s because they work hard, and more importantly their families stick together and support them. Now everyone says they work hard but most just don’t. Making a go of it in the early days is solid 18 hour days for weeks and months on end.

    Anyone in big corp of .gov will usually fold within 10 minutes of understanding exactly what it takes.

    In terms of the Asians, If one has a business idea then it’s discussed by all the men in the family, and if it’s a good idea the funding is found from within the community. I believe the payback is not simple interest but profit type share. Perhaps a hybrid. Also – The person having the idea has the resource of all the elder men for advice etc.. who have been there seen it done it.

    Paying back the funding is a matter of pride, and honour. If you don’t repay then you’re name is shit and you’re in trouble socially. And that’s a big deal in the community.

    Making money like that couple did and I did is not rocket science, but you do have to get off your arse and do the work. Most women however are purely focused on what can be spent NOW. The idea that you don’t spend all that you have is totally alien to them.

    It’s no surprise that given the current state of gender relations that weak men are frankly led by the women. I was discussing with a friend the other night that women’s politics aligns with their security needs. Ie left wing women are re distributionist because they want the state to fund them. This is not because they can’t fund themselves, it’s actually because they can’t attract a man that they are confident can support them.

    Because if you look at the opposite which are conservative women, they are not re distributionist because they are confident that the men they attract are capable of provisioning.

    So there’s lots in play here. Most men simply don’t have the balls to go for it, and if they did, they get pussy whipped out of the idea.

  2. Nice post Archie, interesting teardown. I respect the presentation, polish and hustle of F+F……but I really sense Fresh is the definition of ‘fake it til you make it’ (perhaps all of us are to an extent). In my culture natural charm and humour (used) to get you crazy far….I don’t see him exuding that. BUT its a different game he is playing….and hey playing it well. Also they are closing in on 500k subs in what…..6-8 months. Impressive…..even if smoke and mirrors. But hey….I’m an 80s baby so can’t hate too much on the young uns’…..

      1. Indeed….like the old adage ‘a week is a long time in politics’ would also seem to apply here with the redpill YouTuberatti…

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