Unprompted Declarations of Love are a Bad Idea

Again, these things obvious to me as hell, but I remember wanting to tell the little red haired girl how I felt about her.

Im gonna tell a girl that I like her.
byu/elboss2011 inseduction

These types of posts get upvoted all the time on seddit/reddit.  But it’s unfair to the girl and generally bad game.

That said, there are certain lessons I can only learn from making mistakes.  This seems to be one of them.

How should a man handle a crush?  He should handle it like a player.  Hit the chick up with some proper game.

Well maybe not like this.

10 thoughts on “Unprompted Declarations of Love are a Bad Idea”

  1. Archie

    I followed that link to the Seduction Reddit. Holy crap that has 525K followers?

    What a shit site from my ten minutes. It’s like PUA Game never happened… Mystery never existed.

    Look at this thread.


    *I am in a city in which I don’t know many people and the people I know are settled down. I’m not going to say I was laid a lot before but when I went out to bars with a crew, I would do well enough. Now I am solo and I have come to the realization I don’t know how to talk/hit/look/do anything with a girl at a bar by myself. Do I say “hey” do I say “I like your shoes” do I say “bit## let’s get out of here right now”…someone help. I am pretty good in conversation. I am not good at starting and escalation. Lack of confidence? Probably. Am I better when I’m drunk? At least at initiating but I don’t want to be drunk. I know I’ll get some inner game reply’s but I want some tips so I can fake it for now. Help help*

    And the top replies are all like this


    Ohhk so here you already getting nice advice in those comments, all I have to give you is a fact. Well what you think if you have a starting line or anything will girl be that stupid will not understand why you are doing that… Big no… Girls know everything when u just gave her a look she probably know everything like ur intentions… Then the main part is confidence … In the same situation What I usually do is .. “hey sry I don’t have any pickup lines to start this but m not that dumb who just let you go without even trying” Here girl will play her thing… It will not come out on a single go .. as a commenter said it’s art u should learn by doing it .. Keep practicing Don’t try too much just be you GBU Over n out*

    Dropping MM over there would be like some ancient scroll of all knowledge.

    Seriously how is Mystery not a billionaire?

    1. You gotta ask yourself why they got all those followers, and why guys like me (and you, and Archie) get kicked out of that space.

      All the commenters stick to the script, JBY, be nice, communicate, take out the trash. They reinforce the message of the FI / Matriarchy.

      It fits. Just be nicer and work harder at it and you’ll get the gurl.

      Then look at why @Rollo is spinning his wheels (I don’t actually know what @Archie is attempting to do.. perhaps he’s just enjoying scratching his balls and shooting the breeze)

      It’s so deeply embedded.

      I’ve got a new drinking buddy locally. He’s a natural uncaring arsehole. About 5’4 and 63 ish, and I’m not kidding he’s banged everything locally including the daughters of his friends.

      You’d have to witness it, last night he phoned me to invite me to the local pub as he was there. I asked who he was with and he said “a couple of women, not your type” meaning too old and too fat. They were sitting there listening to every word.

      For the average man you couldn’t make up what actually works with women.

  2. The unprompted declaration

    This is from guys who think they can cheat the system by giving girls what they say they want – love and commitment.

    “Look I’m not like all those other guyzZzz!!!! I wuv you!!!!”

    Rollo has a maxim, maybe it is an Iron Rule – never say I love you first.

    1. @Sentient

      In my second marriage – which lasted for 10 years I think I only said it a hand full of times. Possibly five.

      She said it, I didn’t reply

  3. ^^ I got barred from that and almost all other Reddit’s.

    Just mention Alpha and negging and DHV and you’ll get booted out.

  4. Palmasailor
    Just mention Alpha and negging and DHV and you’ll get booted out.

    If I remember correctly there was a massive purge of mods on reddit a couple of years back. Most likely /r/seduction now has some aging feminists and Sensitive Guyz squatting on the site, finger always right over the ban-switch. That reddit is thus all about reinforcing the standard narrative, nothing actually about seduction.

    Better title: /r/niceguys

    Too bad.

    1. Ouch. This is what brought me to game.

      I did this over and over until I was bleeding out of my eyes ears and nose. Never works. Even after a decade of knowing game concepts I forgot “she’s nothing special ” and did it last year to predictable results.

      For a guy in this situation I’d recommend the old “go “read the bible’ with 10 other girls first.” or failing that, just ask her out instead of telling her feel, you’ll get a yes/no that way at least and can move on with your afternoon.

    2. Ha! Should start a /niceguys reddit and drop game info there instead.

      … it will go horribly wrong, but it beats talking politics.

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