Seeding the Bounce happens Early in the Interaction

Getting someone back to your place?
byu/throwaway58937297 inseduction

A bit more of the Game 101 posts.

Normal guy hits it off with the girl, and then realizes that maybe he can take her home.  So now what?

First thing the guy needs to change in his mind is how he think that WOMEN THINK ABOUT SEX.  They love it. They want more of it.  And like anything that women want and desire, she wants all of the good and none of the bad.

So the man has to start any interaction with a woman with the idea that she will be interested in seeing him later on.  To that end, if they are in environment 1 (day time coffee shop, night time swing dance session), he needs to create an opportunity for them to move to a second environment.

This is called seeding the bounce.

So he should have started the chat with that in mind.  Felt her out.  Found either specific commonalities of the girl (The Urkel way) or generalities that every girl likes (The Tyrone Way).

My man Mufasa has great Betty Crocker game.  He hollas at chicks, gets some rhythm, develops some sexual tension, and then asks if she likes sweets, and then mentions he wants to bake a cake at his place.  They literally go bake a Betty Crocker cake, and one thing leads to another.

There’s a two-fer here.

Seeding the Bounce is the mentioning the cake.

Plausible Deniability is that they’re only going to his house to apply some frosting.

That’s old hat though.

But what happens when the Veteran is rapping with some females and he notices a spark with one of em?  In my old age, I’m not always on on the make.  As The Great Moma once, said “I’ll take a lay up”.

With no seeding of the bounce or plausible deniability, how does one develop a conversation at happy hour to waffles in the morning?

The rookie and the veteran can take what the girl is saying, seriously.

Chica – “…..and that’s why I think that Mets might take it all the way this year”

Veteran – eye contact, pause, cock his head, squint his eyes – questioning tone – “You really feel that way?” – let her fill the void.

The move here is to go from a standard bar/club chat to one where she thinks that she “reached” you.  Like she’s talking to the real person behind the player facade, and she gets to be her true self.

Creating a moment like this, where the conversation gets out of the PUA flowchart is understanding Game, and hitting those emotional notes.

In this new mood, the next play is a bold one, but

Veteran – “I want to talk to you a bit longer….”

And now he can insert his bounce with some plausible deniability.


3 thoughts on “Seeding the Bounce happens Early in the Interaction”

  1. You should have already had the make out.

    Take her hand and say “come on let’s go”

    Start walking. 99/100 she’ll follow.

    Fill the void with inconsequential chit chat so as not to leave an awkward silence.

    If you get the overt “where are we going” either reply with “my place” or give her some humour.. “to find the leprechaun at the end of the rainbow”

    Keep walking.

  2. > Felt her out. Found either specific commonalities of the girl (The Urkel way) or generalities that every girl likes (The Tyrone Way).

    Excellent comment.

  3. I have done “plausible deniability.” I don’t like it, but it definitely works. I have also done:

    ME: It’s still early…
    ME: I am going to go back to my house, come with me.
    HER: What will we do there?
    ME: Maybe listen to some music…
    ME: And I’m definitely going to makeout with you.

    It’s not that those lines are good (they are crude). But that has worked for me (many times) because she can’t believe I didn’t BS her. And after I say it, when she states at me (and that comment will make a girl stare, to see if you’re real), I don’t flinch. Crude lines but solid tension. And they very often say…


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