The Lipstick Index

Female Author calls for an end to the Lipstick Index.

Alternate link.

What is the Lipstick Index?

In times of economic crisis, lipstick sales often increase.

Hmm, wonder why that is?

Obviously it’s not because women desire to attract mates with resources!

A 2012 study corroborated the idea, though its authors attested the phenomenon to “women’s desire to attract mates with resources.”

That can’t be it!

Sexist rationales aside, the lipstick index seems real—or, at least, maybe it did at the time of its creation. But in recent years, journalists and economists have debunked the metric: The data simply didn’t corroborate it. In 2009, the year after the start of the Great Recession, lipstick sales declined by nearly 10%, according to Fortune, instead of rising as the index might have predicted.

Here’s the author’s characterization.

When more extravagant luxuries seem out of reach, the index suggests, lipstick is an affordable treat.

and also

Some analyses have suggested that nail polish, or mascara, or face masks, or candles, have become more popular as inexpensive pick-me-ups during an economic downturn

So with those purchases in mind, she then states

The money people use to indulge in self-care are now too varied to offer a single indicator of economic health

The game lesson here is that women people will often use external purchases to alter their internal state.

  • “Affordable treat”
  • “Pick-me ups”
  • Self Care is an indulgence (Wait, that’s not what she said! Not in that way)

In terms of weaponizi using this information in tryna f connecting with these ladies, these characterizations of behavior are nice little narratives that a man can offer when a woman is at an impasse.

  • “Baby, it’s just a little fun”
  • “Don’t you need a pick-me up every once in a while”
  • “I like to call it self care”

Some of my readers may use these nudges in nefarious ways!  To thee I say Nay!  These observations are strictly for defensive purposes!


The Macro Game of Women

Aka the Feminine Imperative.

Rollo has done more than enough to put regular readers on to this.  And me trying to summarize what he’s said would be folly.

Here’s the main idea.  When you give them broads the mic, when you give them broads a pen, when you put them in front of the camera – they’re gonna give you their world view.  And if you notice patterns, if the topic is love, relationships, or children – the author/sponsor of said material is more often than not, a woman.  And she’s gonna give her view on things.  (I guess fair is fair, men decide abortion rights…)

Right now, these women are proving to be profitable on some levels.  So we’re seeing more women-centered shows.

Though for some reason Women’s Soccer or Women’s Basketball never seems to catch on with a certain 50% of the population.  Meanwhile dating reality shows and aspirational reality shows are the core diet of a good chunk of women.  Somehow I am to blame for this, and by extension all of you men.  I digress.

To keep my game sharp, I’m always looking for insight into the female mind. Either by what they do, what they say, what they consume, who they listen to – but also who tries to convince them, who tries to persuade them, and most of all who tries to sell them.

To that end, let’s take a quick look at The Take.

The take is the feminist take on pop  culture.  They do video essays on TV shows and Films, breaking them down.  I love this video essays, and ideally I’d make some in the future.

Hmm, wonder what they mean to say here?


I’ve Always Hated Models by Manson

This ugly post brought back the hatred once again.

There have been plenty of PUA naysayers and Player Haters throughout the years.  Females obviously.  Then guys like Aaron Sleazy.  And even more guys saying this Guru is bad, but MY STUFF IS THE TRUTH…

How could I hate such in inoffensive book from Entropy aka Manson?

First, Vulnerability

“So the catch is that everything you say must be as authentic as possible. There’s no shortcut. There are no tricks. You say it because you mean it and mean it because you say it. The more nervous it makes you, the better, because it means you’re being authentic and making yourself vulnerable. How attractive you are is based on your confident behavior. Your confident behavior is based on how vulnerable you’re able to make yourself. And how vulnerable you’re able to make yourself is based on how honest you are to yourself and others.”

He doesn’t actually mean “vulnerability” in the common sense, but that’s how it’s taken.

Second, Show genuine interest

Don’t try to “be cool” and “act like you’re not interested,” by honestly expressing your interest in dating someone, you shortcut the “invsetment paradox” and demonstrate both interest and confidence at the same time. If a guy weren’t fearless about being rejected, he wouldn’t have the confidence to honestly express his attraction to a woman. This is “True Honesty”.

What kind of fantasy world does this guy live in?

Third, Using the Traffic Light Paradigm.

Think of splitting women you’re interested in into three categories: Receptive, Neutral, and Unreceptive:

Pick Up especially, and Game in general, is not for RECEPTIVE GIRLS.

I remember rapping with RSD Luke, and he said something about being pulling Asian girls after learning Game, and felt unsatisfied.  “I could have gotten you without game. I’m not getting a chance to use my game” (If Tubby can pull like Patrice and Biggie did, he’s someone to learn from.)

PUA has always been about the yellow and red light girls.  In fact, the green lighr girls who get taken for granted, often need a surgical touch.

At some point, i’ll do a point by point refutation of Models.

The Importance of the D Game

Common said, “Great sex is not gonna keep you” (From The Light)

But 50 Cent said

A lot has been said about the necessity of great sex to keep the girl.  The thing is, chicks stay in sexless marriages.

Too much pepperoni makes one tired of pizza.  Moreover, the physical aspects of the act that brought you to the game in the first place, start to peter off, as her charms no longer affect you.

Your love fades. Her love fades.  Who goes first is a matter of contention in the community.

So why stay?  And if it fades, why chase down another one?

I’m just asking questions here, not giving any answers.

These Guys Want to Keep 10’s

This is standard PUA ad copy.   But I think given some of the notables in our industry, keeping a hot girl around, dating her is very important to a lot of guys.

This desire to keep a hot girl as a girlfriend is what truly divides a PUA and a Red Pill Man.

This quote later in the thread is actually pretty good.

Chris Rock has a great stand up routine about this. He says: “Every woman has at least two men in her life, the guy she’s fucking and the guy she’s supposed be fucking, and a lot of guys are laughing right now because they don’t know which one they are.”

I used to answer this question the PUA way

  • Cold Approach Skills is not enough to keep a girl interested.
  • Look at yourself, do you have more than your pickup flow chart words?  Which was essentially, do you have any LTR traits, aka Blue Pill/Beta Provider traits?
  • Are you regaming her as necessary?

All the standard stuff, because at the core of the PUA’s existence, the woman is the prize to be won and kept.

Nowadays?  I don’t see the upside of having a girl in your life all the time.

And as all of you well know, the less long term value that you put on a woman, and the more she understands that you do not see her that way, the more she wants to be put into that category – and has “pick me” behaviors to do so.


The Pickmeisha is the bane of existence for a certain sort of woman.  For the man, her behavior is a false promise.  As soon as her talons sink in, she starts to rend the flesh.

Stay Strong Brothers

Seeding the Bounce happens Early in the Interaction

Getting someone back to your place?
byu/throwaway58937297 inseduction

A bit more of the Game 101 posts.

Normal guy hits it off with the girl, and then realizes that maybe he can take her home.  So now what?

First thing the guy needs to change in his mind is how he think that WOMEN THINK ABOUT SEX.  They love it. They want more of it.  And like anything that women want and desire, she wants all of the good and none of the bad.

So the man has to start any interaction with a woman with the idea that she will be interested in seeing him later on.  To that end, if they are in environment 1 (day time coffee shop, night time swing dance session), he needs to create an opportunity for them to move to a second environment.

This is called seeding the bounce.

So he should have started the chat with that in mind.  Felt her out.  Found either specific commonalities of the girl (The Urkel way) or generalities that every girl likes (The Tyrone Way).

My man Mufasa has great Betty Crocker game.  He hollas at chicks, gets some rhythm, develops some sexual tension, and then asks if she likes sweets, and then mentions he wants to bake a cake at his place.  They literally go bake a Betty Crocker cake, and one thing leads to another.

There’s a two-fer here.

Seeding the Bounce is the mentioning the cake.

Plausible Deniability is that they’re only going to his house to apply some frosting.

That’s old hat though.

But what happens when the Veteran is rapping with some females and he notices a spark with one of em?  In my old age, I’m not always on on the make.  As The Great Moma once, said “I’ll take a lay up”.

With no seeding of the bounce or plausible deniability, how does one develop a conversation at happy hour to waffles in the morning?

The rookie and the veteran can take what the girl is saying, seriously.

Chica – “…..and that’s why I think that Mets might take it all the way this year”

Veteran – eye contact, pause, cock his head, squint his eyes – questioning tone – “You really feel that way?” – let her fill the void.

The move here is to go from a standard bar/club chat to one where she thinks that she “reached” you.  Like she’s talking to the real person behind the player facade, and she gets to be her true self.

Creating a moment like this, where the conversation gets out of the PUA flowchart is understanding Game, and hitting those emotional notes.

In this new mood, the next play is a bold one, but

Veteran – “I want to talk to you a bit longer….”

And now he can insert his bounce with some plausible deniability.


Unprompted Declarations of Love are a Bad Idea

Again, these things obvious to me as hell, but I remember wanting to tell the little red haired girl how I felt about her.

Im gonna tell a girl that I like her.
byu/elboss2011 inseduction

These types of posts get upvoted all the time on seddit/reddit.  But it’s unfair to the girl and generally bad game.

That said, there are certain lessons I can only learn from making mistakes.  This seems to be one of them.

How should a man handle a crush?  He should handle it like a player.  Hit the chick up with some proper game.

Well maybe not like this.