Ma’am, Don’t make me say it

Everyone is talking about it.  I can’t stop talking about it.



  • 35 year old single mom that describes her face as a 5 thinks she deserves a man that makes 6 figures. (Keep in mind, she already make 6 figures and has been unsuccessful in attracting the same)
  • Kevin Samuels tries to explain to her that the man she wants DOES NOT WANT HER.  Her money does not make her attractive, as no good man wants to spend his woman’s money.

Keep in mind, she called into the show.  Also, Brother Kevin was very patient and respectful…until he just had to lay it out there.

“Ma’am, Don’t make me say it”

Well he’s getting lit up by black women on his IG Page

But his subscriber count went from 120,000 at the beginning of the week to 172,000 at the time of this writing.

This might be the year where the Black Manosphere breaks into the mainstream.

OG Obsidian is on it.

Newcome Mediocre Tutorials and Reviews is on it.

Oshay Duke Jackson

And of course the females gotta get a response in.  (just read the comments for a good laugh)

Meanwhile I’m watching more videos like this

I don’t really want to weigh in on the Black Man vs Black Woman gender wars (I’m a disabled veteran of the gender wars with no right to speak….lol)

But it’s looking like Lockdown has a lot more folks getting serious about this stuff.


11 thoughts on “Ma’am, Don’t make me say it”

  1. Good to see you back, Archie. Nice set of vid links to make the point clear.

    These girls are all confused by the standard feminist narrative. They are projecting their own attraction vectors onto men. I see it all the time in 20-something and 30-something girls; first they roll out whatever travels they’ve made, then they brag about their great job or other work skills. It’s all part of being stronk ‘n independent, because that’s what they’ve been told is attractive.

    Nobody tells them that a man wants a companion, not a competitor.

    The smarter ones will even try to be “smartest in the room”, that can be pretty funny when it flops, but girls don’t like being laughed at.

    The biggest projection is this: “it shouldn’t matter who the father of my baby is”. That’s just wack, but girls do not understand men, so they project their own “war bride” mindset onto men. That 35 year old’s face when the truth hits her….what a mess.

    1. >They are projecting their own attraction vectors onto men.

      I have tried to explain this to dudes but they never get it.
      Women hiss in response, lulz

  2. Kevin Samuels is a blast to listen to mostly. He pulls no punches, and that’s sorely needed when confronting the high earning, PhD, can’t get/keep a man crowd.

    ” I’m single by choice.. “😂😂

    Nah, you’re single because you’re delusional. You’re single because you don’t grasp that you’re too old – older than you realize.

    1. *woof woof*
      *ballad of the hippos*
      *I’m a PhD*

      He doesn’t suffer any fools. A lot of his earlier stuff was real talk to guys, but it didn’t catch on like AMS version. It’s an interesting time to be in this space.

  3. @Archie

    “But it’s looking like Lockdown has a lot more folks getting serious about this stuff.”

    Lockdown is fucking their already fucked heads.

    You gotta start from basics, the first one is relevant to this conversation and the second is just me dumping something that’s been in my head forever:

    1 There is an old English joke:

    Q Why do women wear make up and perfume?

    A Because they’re ugly and they smell.

    2 ASD – anti slut defence, why is that even a thing? and why does it get more of a thing as they age (we know young women don’t have it).

    Because it’s true, just like the make up joke. Left unchecked they’re sluts. They will bang any man that comes along that has a sufficient SMV delta above their own. You don’t get it on young low N women, bit it spins up hard on the high mileage scrappers.

    After a bit they know if something alpha enough comes along they’ll bang it, and they can’t help it. And they know that can’t help it.

    An old member of staff of mine used to come in complaining she’d been caught in “dicksand” again last night and couldn’t work out why she kept doing it. (She explained its like quicksand – once she’s in it she can’t get out of it – she just ends up in deeper – (technically he does but heh…🤷‍♂️)). All the other girls listening nodded. They knew exactly what she meant but it had to be explained to me.

    So moving back to the topic-

    Just think about it for a moment, depending on where you are in the world they gotta cover up those faces in public. OK, even if they don’t *have* to then they often do because they’re followers and that’s what society has told them to do to be *safe*, and they’re scared bc the hamster is risk adverse. It has to be. You don’t survive as a species by taking risks with your valuable eggs and offspring, that’s what men are for – were here to take the risks – that’s why we’re disposable.

    Now for men, it’s a “..muh.. damn.. I gotta put this muzzle on my face or get into a row with the brainless doorman..” but for them, all that shit they spend hours putting on their faces to mimic the natural fertility cues that are there in slim beautiful much younger women (who don’t wear make up)** which attract those risk taking men – they gotta cover that up now.

    The only thing they got to attract men and they gotta put a bag over it. Priceless.

    **I only just joined this dot since getting hold of a slim low N 25 yo that doesn’t wear make up. She doesn’t need to fake it she is young and fertile – therefore attractive.

    So yeah, that’s the obvious thing that’s fucking with their heads, but it goes deeper.

    I read an article by a playa years back about women and eye contact in the street / generally and how it related to validation and their self esteem.

    His theory was (what we probably all know) that women have a radar for and love the validation kick when they catch men checking them out in public.

    So I’ve checked them out for ever but I’d never really looked, but when you check them out (he ^^ said and I noticed) there is usually a very subtle almost imperceptible smirk. The hamster is running a spreadsheet back there and puts a tick in the box “guy in Starbucks checked me out again = you still got it gurl!”

    The other thing he said is that if you go about your business and fail to make eye contact with or acknowledge them there is often an equally barely perceptible flash of irritation that flashed across their face. The hamster needs to fill that spreadsheet, that’s gotta be a glitch right? The guy in Starbucks didn’t check you out – can’t be true.. cue spinning hamster.

    So I tried that and I think that’s true as well.

    He said something else about making longer than eye contact than normal and I forget the basics of that but I tried that as well in the supermarket and ended up in conversation with a woman who I invited back to my place for an insta date coffee and that went well.

    But in general, yeah, the landscape is changing in favour of risk taking men going out of the cave to the risky outside world and bring home the Mastodon meat, while the feminised soy boys are hiding under the covers shitting the bed, and old women are feeling the brunt of that quite badly.

    So badly actually that they’re now scanning for eye contact and acknowledgement from a non mask wearer in a way I’ve never seen before.

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